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1. Running up to the 4 Amos on top of the ramp to the Mizbe'ach 2. The Kevesh and the Mizbe'ach 3. The Qualities of a King
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13. תלמיד חכם בנקמה ונטירה 14. Asur Limnos Es Yisrael

Elie Samet asks:

Hi again,

In the meiri of yomah 22b it relates by saul that his house did not continue to be kings because they lacked the trait that he had to see others as greater than him.

When a leader is "leading" shouldn't he have the self confidence to think the decisions are important?


The Kollel replies:

The Meiri explains that a Melech's strong leadership qualities should be balanced by a sense of humility. That's why the Gemara suggests that a leader should be chosen who has a questionable family background in order to serve as a reminder not to grow arrogant. Shaul's impeccable family background did not offer a means of restraining the tendency for a leader to become arrogant, and that's one reason he was unable to pass down the Malchus to his descendants.

Avraham Phillips

David Pollack asks:

Yet the King Saul was called the Anav of his Generation.

The Kollel replies:

The concern was about his descendants.

Avraham Phillips