More Discussions for this daf
1. Lishkat Beit ha'Even 2. Replacing a Kohen Gadol 3. Yoma and Midos
4. Birah be'Tzafonah Mizrachah" 5. Comparison of Yom Kipur to Parah and Sinai 6. Source of Insight
7. Rashi contradiction 8. Rashi contradiction 9. Klei Gelalim
10. Order of Tractates 11. Prishah as learned from Miluim 12. Which Korban requires Perishah
13. An inconsistency in the first Mishnah of Yoma 14. The argument concerning the "substitute wife" of the Kohen Gadol 15. "'l'Chaper"
16. Where did the Kohanim eat on Sukos 17. The Milu'im which was conducted "once a year" 18. Maskinin Kohen Gadol
19. בירה בצפונה מזרחה

Yoel Meghedesc asked:

Why doesnt the gemerah give shavuos (which is a 1 day chag in Erets Yisrael) as an answer to which korban to learn from lechaper?

The Kollel replies:

The Gemara on 3a indeed asks that, as you have seen by now. Originally, on 2b, the Gemara chose Pesach and Sukkos instead, because it was looking for a "unique" Regel, as the Gemara says; there's nothing unique about Shavuos that should make it require Perishah more than the others, logically.

Later, on 3a, the Gemara accepts the possibility that Shavuos requires Perishah since it learns from the Pasuk that Perishah is required only for a single day's work, and not for a seven day Regel. This description only fits Shavuos.

By the way, are you the Yoel from Ner Yakov?

Best wishes, and apologies for the late reply Mordecai