Ya'akov Tavin asked:

In your DIAGRAM OF THE BEIS HA'MIKDASH, you write that the Cheil is ten Amos high and ten Amos wide. The Rosh writes (Midos 38a) that it is ten Amos wide, but not high. Is this a mistake, or are you taking into consideration the incline of the mountain, the elevation of the steps, etc. or some other measurement? How was it possible for one Kas of people who slaughtered their Korbenos Pesach to wait on the Cheil until after Shabbos if it was an incline or a ten-Amah high wall? Furthermore, in the diagram copied by Rav Kapach to Peirush ha'Mishnayos of the Rambam, he lists Har ha'Bayis v'Soreg v'Cheil on one flat surface at the bottom of the sketch.

Please check into this,

Ya'akov Tavin

The Kollel replies:

It indeed does not seem correct. However, it is possible the diagram is supposed to read ten Tefachim high (see Tiferes Yisrael in Midos 1:41).

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose