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4. Chaver

Moshe Reinitz asks:

The Gemara says a Chaver that passes away and left a pile of grain there is a sufeik if the grain was brought in to the house in a way that would require maaser.

If its a chaver why would he NOT bring it in a way to do the mitzvah.

Only Chassidim Rishonim brought it in to do the mitzvah?

Moshe Reinitz

The Kollel replies:

Baruch she'Kivanta. The Tosfos Rid asks your question. He answers that the Chaver does it in order to avoid a Takalah. An example of this might be where he is away from home and is afraid that, in his absence, his children will eat from it, even if he leaves instructions not to.

B'Virchas Kol Tuv,

Eliezer Chrysler