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Shlomo Spiro asks:

In Insights to the Daf(30:1), the Kollel wrote:

>> HALACHAH: The SHULCHAN ARUCH (OC 447:1) rules like Tosfos, that mixtures of all other Isurim of "Min b'Mino" are prohibited only "b'Nosen Ta'am"<<

Min be mino in other issurim are berov. There cannot be a nosen ta'am in min be mino. It's all the same ta'am.

The Kollel replies:

Mi'd'oraisa Min b'Mino by other Issurim are b'Rov, although mi'd'Rabanan one requires Shishim (see clear statement of the Taz Y.D. 98:3).

You are correct that there cannot literally be "Nosen Ta'am" in Min b'Mino. I assume that the author of the Insight merely used the words Nosen Ta'am as that is in fact Shishim, which is the Halachah mi'd'Rabanan.

Kol Tuv,

Yaakov Montrose