More Discussions for this daf
1. The Se'ir of Nachshon 2. Doing business with Tamei animals 3. Rebbi Yehoshua Ben Levi on Isurei Achilah and Isurei Hana'ah
4. Trading pigskins 5. Eating Neveilah 6. Giving a Yerech
7. She'eilah for Terumah 8. איסור הנאה בשור הנסקל לפי הרמב"ם

Simche Dovid Kevinsky asked:

what does Rebbi Yehudah say about "Lo Sochlu Kol Neveilah"?

and i wish a lot of ongoing success and hatzlocho to all the rabbis and supporters who have helped make gemora so easy to learn

yours truly,

Simche Dovid Kevinsky

The Kollel replies:

Rebbi Yehuda's position is clearly defined earlier (21b) as "Devarim k'Kesavam" -- "the words (of the Pasuk) are how they are written." The Torah states "Lo Sochlu Kol Neveilah la'Ger Asher b'Sharecha Titnenah v'Achalah Oh Machor l'Nochri" -- "You should not eat any Neveilah, to the Ger (Toshav) in your gates you should give it and it will be eaten or sell it to a Nochri" (Devarim 14:21). Rebbi Yehuda understands that this means one cannot eat Neveilah, he can only give it to a Ger Toshav, and can only sell it to a Nochri.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose