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1. Arel and Pesach 2. Doing the Mitzvah from nightfall until Chatzos, and not from Chatzos until the morning 3. Age When Rav Yosef Became Blind
4. Korban Pesach with out Matzah 5. תוספות ד"ה כל

Eliezer asks:

We find that matzah must still be eaten without a Korban Peseach, but can the Korban Pesach still be eaten if someone can not obtain matzah?

Eliezer , Israel

The Kollel replies:

Sholom Rav.

The Rambam, Hilchos Korban Pesach, 8:2 rules that one may eat the Korban Pesach if no Matzos and Maror are available. His source is the Mechilta, which learns it from the word "Yochluhu" - Sh'mos, 12:8, which is otherwise superfluous.

Be'Virchas Kol Tuv.

Eliezer Chrysler.

Rabbi Gersten asks:

Thank you for the Rambam.

Do you think the following is proof?

When Bnei Yisroel entered Eretz Yisroel in the times of Yehoshua, they fulfilled the mitzvah of the Korban Pesach. The Gemara in Kiddushin has a ?''? that they were not allowed to eat from the chodosh until the Korban Omar had been brought. If so, they ate the Korban Pesach without any matzah. (I am assuming they can't fulfill the mitzvah of matzah with the mann. I think that is a fair assumption.)

What do you think?

The Kollel replies:

Sholom Rav.

Assuming that one would not be Yotzei Matzah with the Manna (which I also think,but am not totally convinced), your proof certainly appears foolproof.

Be'Virchas Kol Tuv.

Eliezer Chrysler

Rabbi Gersten asks:

Why are you uncertain about fulfilling the mitzvah of eating matzah with mann?

Is it because of the Gemara Brachos 48b? Moshe composed the first bracha of Birkas Hamazon when the mann began to descend. That sounds like even though Birkas Hamazon is only recited on bread of one of the five grains it was fitting to recite it on the mann?

Or, is your uncertainty because of the gemara Yoma 75a mann could not only taste like all foods but actually transformed into that food itself. Do you think that may also help in order to be used to fulfill the mitzvah?

The Kollel replies:

Sholom Rav.

Without going into the matter, I had a passing thought that, since the Torah refers to the Manna as 'Lechem', maybe one could be Yotzei Matzah with it.

I doubt that this is correct however, since, as you mentioned, Matzah must actually consist of one of the five species of grain - and not just resemble it in looks and taste.

Be'Virchas Kol Tuv.

Eliezer Chrysler.

Ya'akov Tavin adds:

Tosfos Rosh haShanah 13a quotes the question of Ibn Ezra and Rabeinu Tam's answer regarding the Pesach upon entering Eretz Kena'an. In the answer, Rabeinu Tam writes Kelomar Min haYoshon, Matzos. He obviously holds that the Pesach was eaten with Matzos. Where was the Yoshon from? Good question. Perhaps Midyan...