Mitchell A. Morgenstern asks:

4. If a piece of the trachea is cut out and it is still attached like a flap, and the section is large enough for an Isar to pass through it, the animal is a Tereifah.

How is this different than if the piece of trachea is completely missing? is it just a minor difference of the ease of movement of the Issar through the hole?

Mitchell A. Morgenstern, Chicago, USA

The Kollel replies:

In practice, if the size of an isar is missing from the trachea this represents sufficient damage for the animal to be considered a treifa since it will not be able to survive 12 months as a result of the damage. It does not make a difference if part of the trachea is stiil attached like a flap or if the piece is completely missing; the isar-size hole in the trachea means the animal cannot recover.


Dovid Bloom