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1. Penei ha'Mizbe'ach 2. ashes of Isaac 3. Changing measurements of the Mizbe'ach
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Boruch Kahan asks:

On the Omud Aleph there is an interesting discussion about the dimensions of the Beys Hamikdosh/Mizbeach,so what does the Kollel say to the following. In Rashi D.H. Eloh and D.H. Mah Beys it seems to be quite clear that the 60 in the Possuk that Dovid mentioned which Shlomo decided not to Darshen is not what it seems so in a way the 60 here is a "Guzma" so to speak so I was thinking perhaps that's the Mekor for Chazal in Shas and the Rishonim who always use 60 as a "Guzma" based on this Gemoro here

Boruch Kahan , London England

The Kollel replies:

Hello Boruch, nice to hear from you again.

I do not see that Rashi says that sixty was an exaggeration. Rashi says that Shlomo did not Darshan that the Mizbei'ach could be up to sixty meters, and that later on, in the Bayis Sheini, they were Doreish this Droshoh, but did not build till sixty because they did not need such a big Mizbei'ach.

Dov Freedman

Boruch Kahan asks:


it was just a thought do you actually know what the Mekor is


The Kollel replies:

The Mekor for speaking as a Guzma is the Gemara at the beginning of the second Perek of Tamid, as I am sure you know. There the Gemara brings Pesukim and Mishnayos that speak as a Guzma.

The Mekor for using sixty as a Guzmo, Rashi Shabbos 90b DH Shitin and Tosfos Bava Kama 92b DH Shitin.

The Maharal in Chidushei Agados Bava Metsia 84b explains the reason Chazal use sixty as a Guzma. In nature there are six directions (Sheish Ketsovos). The number ten expresses that something is complete. (Presumably because every creation is comprised of ten Sefiros, and Ma'aseh Bereishis had ten Ma'amaros.) Hence six times ten denotes something complete.

See also Aruch Erech Guzma.

Dov Freedman