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1. Offering 142,000 Korbanos in a single day 2. Were they not there?

morris smith asked:

according to the opinion of Rav Yossi,how was Shlomo Hamelech able to sacrifice 142,000 korbanot in one day ? if we assume a 12 hour day of sunlight(not a bad assumption, since the dedication of the Beit HaMikdash was in the month of tishrei), we are dealing with a period of 43,200 seconds, which would mean than over 3 korbanot per second were slaughtered, blood was collected, walked with and thrown on the sides of the mizbeach? additionally, if one states that most of the korbanot were shlamim and not olot, then it is less relevent as to the size of the mizbeach, as most of the avoda would be taking place on the floor and with the sides of the mizbeach--not on top of the mizbeach-and the emurim could be burned the entire night together?

morris smith, lawrence, new york

The Kollel replies:

The Gemara in Pesachim 64 relates that 1.2 million KorbanOS Pesach were brought on one day (in less time, for they are only Kosher after the Tamid Shel Bein ha'Arbayim). Obviously, there was some degree of Divine assistance involved.

The Avodah of Olos is also done on the floor, and their Eivarim may also be brought at night.

D. Zupnik

Mark Bergman comments:

Of course, many Korbonos can be slaughtered simultaneously. In fact the Gemoro in Pesochim describes many lines of Kohanim - at the end of each line a Shechita was done and the blood speedily passed in to the Mizbeach.

Kol Tuv

Mark Bergman

Manchester UK