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4. Rashi DH OMAR 5. Kiddush Yadayim v'Raglayim

Benyomin Hoffman asks:

What is the actual method of washing? (both sets of hands and feet at once, cover entire area, move the hands and feet to cover more area, etc.)

How do the shiurim of Chaza"l fit into our understanding?

What is the shiur of enough for four Kohanim? How much is needed for one?

Other washings (Ntilas Yadayim and for Bircas haKohanim) are said to derive from this Avodah, yet do not follow its pattern

(this was a table in Wpord)

Kiddush Yadayim v'Raglayim Ntilas Yadayim (of the morning) Washing for Bircas haKohanim

Wash feet also Required Not done Not done

Mayim Chaim, no linah Required Not required Not required

Stream of Water From Kiyor - Yes No No

Koach Gavrah Not needed Needed needed

Vessel to hold Reviis Probably not Needed needed

Water all at once Yes (on hands and feet at same time) No - multiple times on each hand No on each hand and most do multiple times

Water to entire area Not necessary - do not need water on entire hand or on the entire foot Needed Needed

Water not to touch another area first Not necessary - touches hands and then feet Needed Needed

Ad ha Perek Does it mean some of the water must be within this area (since whole area does not need to receive)? Needed Needed

Hopefully you can follow my train of thought

I tried to be brief without citing sources


Benyomin Hoffman, Los Angeles, USA