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1. 10th of Adar 2. Which is the right verse?

Gershon Dubin asked:

On 11a the Gemara says that there's no isur of darkei haEmori "bechukoseihem lo selechu" to burn the effects of a king. Why does Rashi then use a different pasuk when explaining the Gemara ("lo sa'aseh kema'aseihem")

Gershon Dubin, Brooklyn, NY,USA

The Kollel replies:

The Kehilos Yakov (#5) answers that that there are two different aspects of "Chukoseihem." What the idolaters do for Avodah Zarah is prohibited because of "uv'Chukoseihem Lo Selechu..." and what they do just out of "Shtus" (silliness) is forbidden because of "Lo Sa'aseh k'Maseihem." Rashi understands that the Beraisa discounted the suspicion that it might be a Shtus, and therefore quotes the appropriate verse for this prohibition. The Gemara asks that if it is a Chukah for Avodah Zarah, then the prohibition of "uv'Chukoseihem" should apply.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose