More Discussions for this daf
1. Collecting money 2. Beinonis 3. how can he do that?
4. A Chakirah About Idis 5. First Tosfos on 8a 6. גבייה מעידית בינונית וזיבורית
7. רש״י ד״ה מכרן לא' או לג' בני אדם

Shmuel Dovid asks:

Is the chidush of the Gemara that in a place where there is only Idis all take from Idis or is there a separate chidush that a Baal chov takes Idis and an even bigger chidush that a woman also takes Idis. See tosfos 8a that the woman takes even if it's idi Idis and it sounds like there's a bigger chidush if she takes idi Idis than just taking plain idis

Shmuel Dovid, United States

The Kollel replies:

Sholom Rav,

What are the ramifications of your Chakirah? A Chakirah without ramifications, in the Yeshivah world, is referred to as 'a blue car and a green car' (i.e. what difference does it make?)

Having said that, I think that your first suggestion is the correct one. The Chidush is that where there is only Idis, he has to give both the Ba'l-Chov and the woman Idis - even though neither would be entitled to it if Beinonis or Ziburis was available. Nor is there any difference between Idis and Idei Idis - and Tosfos only mentions Idei Idis in order to stress the Din.

Be'Virchas Kol Tuv,

Eliezer Chrysler.