More Discussions for this daf
1. Opening with a key from Reshus ha'Rabim 2. Dofen Akumah In Rashi 3. Iskupah
4. Iskupah of a Mavoy 5. Order in the Mishnah 6. Continuation Of Work After Mincha-Maariv

Bernard Gerson asks:


After reading and discussion the mishnah on 9b, a student in my Talmud Class asked if, one interrupted his work (e.g. sewing) in order to daven mincha or to recite k'riat sh'man, may he resume his work after the completion of all his required davening. In other words, is there any prohibition of continuing and completing his work later in the evening?

Todah Rabbah!

Bernard Gerson, Denver

The Kollel replies:

Dear Bernard,

After completing the required davening there is no reason why he cannot continue his work in he evening. There is no penalty involved.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner