More Discussions for this daf
1. Opening with a key from Reshus ha'Rabim 2. Dofen Akumah In Rashi 3. Iskupah
4. Iskupah of a Mavoy 5. Order in the Mishnah 6. Continuation Of Work After Mincha-Maariv

y. kaplan asks:

in the answer of rav yehuda omar rav why is it that when the door is open we say gud achis? i thought that only a koreh of 4 by 4 can do gud achis and here it is only 1 tefach

y. kaplan, johannesburg,south africa

The Kollel replies:

It is true that we do not say Gud Achis if the roof doesn't have 4 x 4 Tefachim. However, the Rabanan instituted that we say Gud Achis for a Korah that is at the entrance to a Mavoy (and the door is open so the Korah is "connected" to the Mavoy), even though the Korah is not part of a 4 x 4 roof. In fact, some even maintain that the Mavoy takes the place of the 4 x 4 roof mid'Oraisa (according to the opinion that Korah Mishum Mechitzah).

Best regards,

Mordecai Kornfeld

Kollel Iyun Hadaf