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1. Insights to the Daf 2. Is a Nazir called a Chotei?

Yehoshua asks:

The gemara in Nazir Daf Gimel says that even acc. to R' Eliezer Hakapar who holds that a Nazir is a sinner, this is only by a Nazir who became tamei. The gemara later in Nazir daf Yud Tes amud alef says that even a tahor nazir is considered a sinner just the pasuk was referring to a tamei nazir since he has sinned more than once. If this is true how can the gemara here say that R' Eliezer Hakapar only said that a Nazir is a sinner by a Nazir tamei? Also, Rashi in Meseches Sotah on Daf Tes Vav says that a Nazir is a sinner because he is holding himself back from wine. It would seem from this rashi that he is assuming like the gemara on Daf Yud Tes that any Nazir is a sinner?

Thank You!

Yehoshua, United States

The Kollel replies:

The Gemara here is trying to explain the Mishnah according to all of the Tana'im since it is at the beginning of the Masechta. Thus it explains that even according to Rebbi Elazar ha'Kapar we can postulate that there is a case where he would consider a Nazir to be "handsome." However, this is just to explain the Mishnah, but in reality Rebbi Elazar explains in other places in Shas that even a Nazir Tahor is a sinner. See Nedarim 10a where he proves this from the verse which says "Me'asher Chata Al ha'Nefesh" instead of "Me'asher Chata," implying that even a person who was not Tamei is also a sinner, and if he was Tamei -- "Al ha'Nefesh" -- he is also a sinner.

Yoel Domb