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Donny asks:

Dear Kollel,

Regarding the mishna and gemara that explain that a woman who completely reveals her hair has violated a d'oraysa, the following Terumas Hadeshen (simon 242) learns that Rambam holds that it would only be forbidden m'drabanan:

דהא פריך תלמודא פרק המדיר הלכה בשוק וראשה פרוע דאורייתא היא דכתיב ופרע את ראש האשה כו; פרש"י אמאי קרית ליה דת יהודים דת משה היא ויחוד אשת איש נמי דאורייתא כדאיתא פ' אין מעמידין ואע"ג דרמב"ם כתב דאינו אלא מדברי קבלה הא איהו נמי כתב דפריעת ראש באשה אינו אלא זהירות מדרבנן כדמוכח מלשונו ומסתמא ס"ל הא דפריך תלמודא דאורייתא ר"ל רמז דאורייתא יש לה;

Which Rambam is the Terumas Hadeshen referring to? In Hilchos Ishus, Rambam says as follows:

רמב"ם אישות כד: יא: ואלו הן הדברים שאם עשתה אחת מהן עברה על דת משה. יוצאה בשוק ושער ראשה גלוי

The simple meaning of das moshe is d'oraysa (even though Rambam also mentions in this same halacha 'ma'aser' and 'kesamim', which are d'rabanan, some of the mepharshim deal with that problem).

Is it the Rambam's opinion that a woman fully uncovering her hair is only forbidden m'drabanan? Are there any opinions that actually hold like that?

Thank you,


The Kollel replies:

1. It has been suggested that the source of the Terumas ha'Deshen is the Rambam in Hilchos Isurei Bi'ah 21:17, who writes, "The daughters of Yisrael should not go in the marketplace with uncovered heads, whether they are single or married." The fact that the Rambam compares single to married women may imply that this is an Isur d'Rabanan.

2. I found the Teshuvos Shemesh u'Magen by Rav Shalom Mashash zt'l (1913-2003, the Sefardic Chief Rabbi of Yerushalayim), part 2, Even ha'Ezer, end of #16 (DH uka'Et bi'Yehoti) who cites Chacham Yosef Nisim Burla of Yerushalayim (1828-1903) who wrote in his Sefer Teshuvos va'Yashev Yosef (Yoreh Deah #2) that the prohibition is only mid'Rabanan.

3. However, it should be stressed that the vast majority of Poskim maintain that the prohibition of a married woman uncovering her hair outside the home is a Torah prohibition according to the Rambam and all other Rishonim.

Kol Tuv,

Dovid Bloom