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Heshi Kuhnreich asks:

The Gemara on 70: asks u'Mai Shena Ad Sheloshim Yom, and the Gemara answers that until 30 days no one will hear about it and therefore there will be no disgrace, as opposed to if it was longer than 30 days, people will hear about it and she will be disgraced, v'Zila Bah Milsa. My question is what about by a Kohen where we do allow up to 60 days, why does the Gemara not mention about her disgrace?

By the same token, in the Iy Bais Aima, that until 30 a messenger will carry out his mission, why does the Gemara not ask about how a messenger will carry out his mission regarding a Kohen as we allow him up to 60 day?

Thank you.

Heshi Kuhnreich, Canada

The Kollel replies:

Thank you for this great question! Not only are you correct in your question, but also this is the opinion of Chachamim, in addition to the Sevara that even though this Kohen will lose his wife for good, this is something he should take into account when he behaves in this improper way and was Madir his wife, and the loss is all his fault. I can add that the Rambam and Shulchan Aruch rule like the Chachamim.

On the other hand, Rebbi Yehudah holds that in a case of a Kohen, although he should have not done what he did, we still want to give him a longer time to think of the consequences. I can also offer that, on the contrary, if people start to hear about the story and understand that he is going towards a dead end, they might help him recover his Shalom Bayis.

Kol Tuv,

Aharon Steiner