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Mira Morman asks:

Mishnah Ketubos 3:4 explains that a seducer pays on three counts, and a violator on 4, the last being pain caused during the violation. The violator is clearly a rapist, but this doesn't explain what a seducer is. Is it someone who sleeps with a woman who is willing? If so, why are there damages and why would it even go to court? Neither Yad Avraham nor Kehati have explained this.

Thanks you.

Mira Morman

The Kollel replies:

Bear in mind that the claimant is the father, not the girl, and your problem is solved. Indeed, that explains why a seducer does not pay for the pain (as is inherent in your quote from the Mishnah).

B'Virchas Kol Tuv,

Rabbi Chrysler