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1. Rambam mentioned by Tosafos 2. Salted Food and Bread 3. Dementia/Alzheimer
4. Fruits of Ginosar 5. Question 6. Berachos 044: Sudni and Wearing Tefilin at night
7. Hash-m, Birkas haMazon 8. Ginosaur 9. Peiros Ginosaur
10. A thousand fruits, according to the Maharshal 11. ברבינו יונה ד"ה ולא פליגי

David Leitner commented:

The Mishna says that you make a brocho on the Parperes and that patters the brocho on the bread, on which the gemoro asks how can that be, and the gemoro answers that there is an exception , and that is in the case of the fruit of Ginosar, on which you make the brocho, but they are too sweet and you then eat an antidote of salty fish, and a balance of bread. In the case of perios ginosar you always make the brocho on the fruit, even against the bread. In Bereshis 49.21 the possuck says Naftoli Ayolo Shelucho Hanosen Imrey Shefer, Naftoli is compared to a swift deer, which Rashi says refers to the fruit of Ginosar which was in the portion of Eretz Yisroel which belongs to Naftoli, who fruit are always first to ripen owing to the greater amount of sunshine in the Galil area, Hanosen Imrei Shefer, Rashi says like the Targum explains, and the Targum says, Demevorchin alloyhu, that you make a brocho on them. This possuck appears to be the scource of the Mishna and the gemoros explanation to the gemoro, for on Peiros Ginosar you always make the Brocho on, even when eaten with bread. This fits in very well to the Rashi in Bereishis and connects the two halves of the Possuck together. I saw this in the Shita Mekubetzes on Berochos. I hope I have made myself understood.

David Leitner, Manchester

The Kollel replies:

Thank you very much for pointing out that explanation. The Ritva on Berachos (44a) writes that. Be well!