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Ethan asks:

Tosfot learns out that according to rabeinu tam, the gemara is referring to the barley loaf and the wheat piece when it says someone who fears heaven fulfulls both. However, the gemara says that according to everyone we make a bracha on the wheat piece though. So what is one accomplishing when they do it on both?

Ethan, United States

The Kollel replies:

When one says the bracha on the wheat piece and the barley loaf together, one accomplishes that the bracha applies to both breads simultaneously, not merely to the wheat piece.

Wishing you a Kesivah vaChasimah Tovah

Dovid Bloom

Follow-up reply:

1) The Mishneh Berurah 168:3 explains further that when one does it on both, one accomplishes 2 Ma'alot; 2 virtues. One accomplishes the Ma'alah of Shelemah; it is good to make a bracha on a complete loaf of bread; and one also achieves the advantage of making a bracha on wheat, which is preferable to barley, as we find that wheat precedes barley in the verse in Dvarim 8:8.

2) Mishneh Berurah adds that the Gemara clarifies that according to the basic Halacha the slice of wheat is preferable to barley, even though it is not whole. However, to do what is desired in Heaven and accomplish all the Ma'alot, one puts the piece underneath the whole bread.

Best regards

Dovid Bloom