More Discussions for this daf
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4. Tzeroros, Kenas or Mamon 5. The Order of Tosfos 6. you pay half of the damage by Tzroros
7. Bor...Pit 8. Avno Toldah d'Shor 9. Regel
10. A Nafka Minah Between Shein And Regel? 11. רש"י ומ"ש שן 12. The Order of Tosfos
13. נפקא מינה בין שן לרגל 14. רש"י ד"ה ומ"ש שן

Eliezer Meir Kahn asks:

Baba Kama 3b point by pointAnswer: Rather, the Toldos are his spit and phlegm.(o)Objection: What is the case?1.Before they land, this is like his action (it is just like a man who damages!) Question Do you mean "it is just like a man who damages" in the sense ie, paying nezik shalaim?and if so why?

Eliezer Meir Kahn, Ramat Beit Shemesh A

The Kollel replies:

Yes, it is like a man who damages. We said that man is always Mu'ad, so he pays full damage. Also, there are no exemptions, as opposed to a Bor, which is exempt for people and Kelim.

Pesach Feldman