
A NON-KOHEN WHO TERUMAH (Yerushalmi Terumos Perek 6 Halachah 1 Daf 31a)

[ãó ìà òîåã à] [ãó ðä òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] îùðä äàåëì úøåîä ùåââ îùìí ÷øï åçåîù àçã äàåëì åàçã äùåúä åàçã äñê àçã úøåîä èäåøä åàçã úøåîä èîàä îùìí çåîù åçåîù çåîùä


(Mishnah): A non-Kohen who inadvertently ate Terumah pays the principal plus a fifth. This applies whether he ate, drank or anointed himself with it, whether it was Tahor or Tameh. He must pay a fifth and a fifth of that fifth if he inadvertently ate the fifth that he had separated.

àéðå îùìí úøåîä àìà çåìéï îúå÷ðéí åäï ðòùéï úøåîä åäúùìåîéï úøåîä àí øöä äëäï ìîçåì àéðå îåçì.


He must pay from Chulin (i.e produce that has been tithed) rather than Terumah and that produce or payment becomes Terumah. If the Kohen wishes to waive the repayment, he may not do so.

áú éùøàì ùàëìä úøåîä åàç''ë ðùàú ìëäï àí úøåîä ùìà æëä áä ëäï àëìä îùìîú ÷øï åçåîù ìòöîä åàí úøåîä ùæëä áä ëäï àëìä îùìîú ÷øï ìáòìéí åçåîù ìòöîä îôðé ùàîøå äàåëì úøåîä ùåââ îùìí ÷øï ìáòìéí åçåîù ìîé ùéøöä:


If the daughter of a Yisrael ate Terumah and then married a Kohen, if she ate Terumah that had not yet been acquired by another Kohen, she pays the principal and extra fifth to herself. If it had already been acquired by another Kohen, she pays the principal to that Kohen and the fifth to herself. This is because Chazal said that one who inadvertently ate Terumah pays the principal to the owner and the extra fifth to whoever they wish.

âîøà äàåëì úøåîä ùåââ ëå'. ëúéá åàéù ëé éàëì ÷åãù áùââä åéñó çîéùéúå ùéäà äåà åçåîùå çîùä


(Gemara): 'A non-Kohen who inadvertently ate Terumah'. The pasuk states (Vayikra 22:14), "And if a man unintentionally eats what is holy, he shall add a fifth of it (to it)'' - it should be a fifth, when it is with the principal (meaning that it is a quarter of the value of the principal).

åìà ëï à''ø àáäå áùí øáé éåçðï (ùåââ)[äæéã] áçìá (îæéã)[ùââ] á÷øáï [ãó ðå òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] îúøéï áå åìå÷ä åîáéà ÷øáï åàîåø àó äëà îæéã áúøåîä åùåââ áçåîù éúøå áå åéì÷ä åéáéà çåîù


Question: Didn't R. Abahu say from R. Yochanan - If a person knew that Chelev (forbidden fats) are prohibited (and are punishable with Kares), but he was unaware that if eaten inadvertently, a Korban must be brought; if they warned him he is given lashes, but he must also bring a Korban. So why not say here also that if he knew of the prohibition to eat Terumah but was unaware of the extra fifth additional payment, if they warned him, he is given lashes and must pay the extra fifth.

à''ø æòéøà âæéøú äëúåá äåà åàéù ëé éàëì ÷åãù áùââä ùúäà ëì àëéìúå áùââä (ë)îæéã áñôé÷å ëùåââ áåãàå


(R. Zeira): It's a decree of the pasuk, as it says (Vayikra 22:14), "And if a man inadvertently eats what is holy'' - that his eating must have been inadvertent (in all ways). If he was unsure if it was Terumah but he intentionally ate it, it is like inadvertently eating certain Terumah.

à''ø éåñé äãà àîøä äùá ìå îéãéòúå çééá òì ùââúä


(R. Yosi): This shows that if a person had meat in front of him and it is unclear whether it is Chelev (forbidden fats) or Shuman (permitted fats), if he ate it intentionally, he is considered inadvertent and brings a Korban.

àîø àðé ôåøù îëæéú åàéðé ôåøù îëçöé æéú


If a person said, "I am separating from a K'zayis (an olive's amount) but not from a half an olive'' (He ate a K'zayis, but he said afterwards that he wouldn't have eaten it had he known that it was a full K'zayis)...

àîø øáé áåï áø çééà ðòùä ëàåëì çöé æéú áùåââ åçöé æéú áîæéã


(R. Bun bar Chiya): It's as if he ate half a Zayis inadvertently and half a Zayis intentionally (and he is exempt from a Korban).

åàéï éñáåø øáé áåï áø çééà ëøùá''ì ãàîø øùá''ì àëì çöé æéú áäòìí àçã ôèåø [ãó ðå òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] åäëà àëì ùðé çöàé æéúéí åçñø ëì ùäåà ôèåø


Question: And if R. Bun bar Chiya follows R. Shimon ben Lakish that (it's permitted according to the Torah to eat part of the amount that makes a person liable - known as 'Chatzi Shiur') if he ate half a Zayis size in one act of inadvertency, he is exempt; so here, he should be exempt if he ate less than two half Zaysim. (So even if he ate a full Zayis size of Terumah, he should still be exempt from the extra fifth even if he had knowledge of the prohibited Terumah throughout most of the Zayis amount, since during that part of the eating, he wasn't transgressing a Torah prohibition?)

îåãä øùá''ì áàéñåøé äðàä åîåãä øùá''ì áéåä''ë åîåãä øùá''ì áòúéã ìäùìéí.


R. Shimon ben Lakish agrees concerning items which have a prohibition to derive benefit, that Chatzi Shiur is prohibited by the Torah. He also agrees that Chatzi Shiur is prohibited by the Torah to eat on Yom Kippur. And he also agrees that if, when he eats the Chatzi Shiur, he is intending to continue to eat the full Shiur, that it is prohibited by the Torah.

øáé àáäå áùí ø' éåçðï äîâîò çåîõ ùì úøåîä ìå÷ä


(R. Abahu citing R. Yochanan): One who gulps vinegar of Terumah incurs lashes.

ø' àáäå áùí ø''é äëåññ çèä ùì úøåîä ìå÷ä.


(R. Abahu citing R. Yochanan): One who chews wheat of Terumah incurs lashes.

úðé äëåññ àú äçéèä ùì úøåîä îùìí àú ä÷øï åàéðå îùìí àú äçåîù [ãó ìà òîåã á] øáé àåîø àðé àåîø ùîùìí ÷øï åçåîù


(Baraisa): One who chews wheat of Terumah pays the principal but not the extra fifth. Rebbi says that he must also may the fifth.

øáé éøîéä áùí øáé àéîé îåãéï çëîéí ìøáé áîâîò çåîõ ùì úøåîä àçø èéáìå ùäåà îùìí ÷øï åçåîù ùäçåîõ îùéá àú äðôù.


(R. Yirmiyah citing R. Imi): The Chachamim agree to Rebbi that if he gulps vinegar of Terumah after he used it as a dip for his meal, that he pays the principal and the fifth, as the vinegar 'settles his spirit' (when he drinks it after using it as a dip).

úðé àëì úøåîä èîàä îùìí çåìéï èäåøéí åàí ùéìí çåìéï èîàéï éöà


(Baraisa): If one ate Tamei Terumah, he pays with Tahor Chulin. If he paid with Tamei Chulin, he fulfils his obligation.

øáé ðúï àåîø ñåîëåñ àîø ùåââ îä ùòùä òùåé îæéã ìà òùä åìà ëìåí.


(R. Noson): Sumchus said that if he did so inadvertently, the payment is valid; if he intentionally paid with Tamei Chulin, it is invalid.

[ãó ðæ òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] úîï úðéðï àéï úåøîéï îï äèîà òì äèäåø


(Mishnah earlier in the 2nd Perek): One may not separate from Tamei for Tahor.

úðé áùí øáé éåñé àí úøí îï äèîà òì äèäåø áéï áùåââ áéï áîæéã îä ùòùä òùåé


(Baraisa citing R. Yosi): If he separated from Tamei for Tahor, whether inadvertently or intentionally, it is valid.

àúéà ãéçéãàé ãäëà ëñúîà ãúîï åéçéãàé ãúîï ëñúîà ãäëà äéàê òáéãà


The individual opinion here (Sumchos) is like the anonymous opinion there (in the Mishnah in 2nd Perek) and the individual opinion there (R. Yosi) is like anonymous opinion here (in the Baraisa ((o) above) that does not differentiate between inadvertent and intentional). If so, what should the ruling be? (The Gemara leaves this question unanswered.)

øáé æòéøà áùí øáé çðéðà úùìåîé úøåîä äøé äï ëúøåîä ìëì ãáø àìà ùâéãåìéäï çåìéï âãåìé úøåîä äøé äï ëçåìéï ìëì ãáø àìà ùàñåøéï ìæøéí


(R. Zeira citing R. Chanina): Payments for Terumah are like Terumah itself, but growths of payments are Chulin. Growths of actual Terumah are like Chulin in all aspects, but they may not be eaten by non-Kohanim.

àîø øáé éåñé åàðï úðéðï úøúéäåï úùìåîé úøåîä äøé äï ëúøåîä ìëì ãáø ãúðéðï àéðå îùìí úøåîä àìà çåìéï îúå÷ðéï åäï ðòùéï úøåîä


(R. Yosi): We also deduced these two Halachos from our Mishnah... Payments for Terumah are like Terumah itself - the Mishnah said, "He must pay from Chulin rather than Terumah and that produce or payment becomes Terumah.''

àìà ùâéãåìéäï çåìéï ãúðéðï âãåìé úøåîä úøåîä äà âéãåìé úùìåîé úøåîä çåìéï


"But growths of payments are Chulin'' - as the Mishnah teaches, "The growths of Terumah are Terumah'' - implying that the growths of payments are Chulin.

âéãåìé úøåîä äøé äï ëçåìéï ìëì ãáø ãúðéðï åçééáú áì÷è åáùëçä åáôéàä åòðéé éùøàì åòðéé ëäðéí îì÷èéï àìà


"Growths of actual Terumah are like Chulin in all aspects'' - as the Mishnah teaches (later, in the 9th Perek), "(Growths from Terumah seeds) are obligated in Leket, Shichechah and Pe'ah and poor Yisraelim and Kohanim may collect them'',

ùàñåøéï ìæøéí ãúðéðï åòðéé éùøàì îåëøéï àú ùìäï ìëäðéí áãîé úøåîä åäãîéï ùìäï.


"...But they are prohibited to non-Kohanim'', as the Mishnah teaches, "but poor Yisraelim sell theirs to poor Kohanim for the price of Terumah and the money then belongs to them (the Yisraelim).