[45a - 45 lines; 45b - 43 lines]

1)[line 13]הפורט סלע ממעות מעשר שניHA'PORET SELA MI'MA'OS MA'ASER SHENI- one who exchanges [the small, copper, Perutah] coins he used to redeem his Ma'aser Sheni for a [large, silver] Sela coin (to carry with him to Yerushalayim)

2)[line 14]בכל הסלע מעותB'CHOL HA'SELA MA'OS- one may exchange all of his Perutos for silver coins

3)[line 15]בשקל כסף בשקל מעותB'SHEKEL KESEF; B'SHEKEL MA'OS- for each Sela's worth of Perutos of Ma'aser Sheni, he may exchange one half of them for a Shekel of Kesef while he must leave the other half of them as Perutos of copper (which he will need in Yerushalayim)

4)[line 16]לגבי פריטי מחללינןL'GABEI PERITEI MECHALELINAN- [Ma'aser Sheni] may be redeemed with [copper] Perutos

5)[line 30]הפורט סלע של מעשר שני בירושליםHA'PORET SELA SHEL MA'ASER SHENI B'YRUSHALAYIM- one who exchanges a [silver] Sela coin that he used to redeem his Ma'aser Sheni for [small, copper,] Perutos in Yerushalayim [in order to buy food]


6)[line 1]שמא ישהה עליותיוSHEMA YISH'HEH ALIYOSAV- lest he put off his pilgrimages to the Beis ha'Mikdash (Aliyah l'Regel)

7a)[line 1]דזימנין דלא מלו זוזי בדינראD'ZIMNIN D'LO MALU ZUZEI B'DINARA- if the situation should arise that he will not have enough silver Ma'aser coins to exchange for a gold Dinar

b)[line 2]ולא מסיקV'LO MASIK (LEHU)- and he will not take them with him

8)[line 12]מטבע נעשה חליפיןMATBE'A NA'ASEH CHALIPIN - coins can be used to effect a Kinyan Chalipin (barter) (KINYAN SUDAR)

(a)When a person acquires an object, he must make a Ma'aseh Kinyan, a formal Halachically-binding act denoting his acquisition of the object, in order for the acquisition to be irrevocably binding. Depending on what object one is acquiring, different Kinyanim are used.

(b)One of the forms of Kinyan that may be used for the acquisition of Metaltelin (mobile items) is Kinyan Chalipin (exchange or barter), i.e. taking another object to demonstrate one's consent for the Kinyan (or for an agreement).

(c)The source for Kinyan Chalipin is the verse in Ruth 4:7-8, in which this Kinyan is used by Boaz. Although Kinyan Chalipin may be accomplished through the barter of two equally-valued items, it is normally no more than a symbolic act in which an object of little value is exchanged in order to represent the acquisition of an object of value. For example, Chalipin may be accomplished by taking possession momentarily of a scarf or piece of cloth (Sudar) that belongs to the other party in order to make a Kinyan on another object that is being transferred. For this reason, Chalipin is also known as "Kinyan Sudar." (The other object is not simply handed over to the buyer to make the Kinyan with Meshichah, either because it is not present, or because it is too large or otherwise unfeasible to hand it over, for example in the case of the transfer of land.)

(d)The Gemara records a Machlokes among the Amora'im as to whether the Sudar used in the symbolic Kinyan is given by the buyer (in exchange for the object that is being acquired) or by the seller (along with the object that is being acquired). The Halachic ruling is that the buyer gives the Sudar, and in return he acquires the object that is being transferred (Bava Metzia 47b).

9)[line 15]וצורתא עבידא דבטלאV'TZURSA AVIDA D'BATLA- (a) the figure on a coin gets worn off (b) the figure may become invalidated by royal decree (RASHI)

10)[line 37]כמות שהוא, כדאמר ליהKEMOS SHE'HU, KED'AMAR LEI- as he stipulated

11)[line 41]מידי דהוה אפירא לרב נחמןMIDI D'HAVAH A'PEIRA L'RAV NACHMAN- similar to [the nature of Chalipin with regard to] merchandise according to Rav Nachman (in which anything that is not a utensil is not fit to be used in place of the Sudar - see above, entry #8)

12)[last line]בגורןGOREN- a threshing floor [among the fields]