
ONE WHO BUILT WITHOUT PERMISSION (Yerushalmi Perek 9 Halachah 1 Daf 37b)

âæì îøéù åáðàå ááéøä áéú ùîàé àåîøéí é÷ò÷ò ëì äáéøä ëåìä åéúðéðå ìå


(Mishnah): If one was Gozel a beam and built it into a building - Beis Shamai say, he must dissemble the entire building, and give [back the beam to the owner];

. åáéú äìì àåîø éúï ìå ãîéå îôðé ú÷ðú ùáéí.


Beis Hillel say, he gives to him its value. This is an enactment to help penitents.

éøã ìçøáä åáðééä ùìà áøùåú ùîéï ìå åéãå òì äúçúåðä áðééä áøùåú ùîéï ìå åéãå òì äòìéåðä.


If one entered a ruin and built it without permission, we estimate for him, and he has the lower hand (he gets the Shevach (increased value) or Hotza'os (his expenditures), whichever is less). If he built it with permission, we estimate for him, and he has the upper hand (he gets the Shevach or Hotza'os, whichever is greater).

áé÷ù ìéèåì àáðéå åòöéå àéï ùåîòéï ìå.


If [the one who built it without permission] wanted to take his rocks and wood, we do not heed him.

ø' éò÷á áø àçà áùí ø' éäåùò áï ìåé îùåí ééùåá àøõ éùøàì.


(R. Yakov bar Acha citing R. Yehoshua ben Levi): This is [an enactment] for the sake of settlement of Eretz Yisrael.

øá ðçîï áø éöç÷ ùàì àéìå îé ùðëðñ ìçåøáúå ùì çáéøå åôéø÷ çáéìúå ìùòä åáé÷ù ìéèìå ùîà àéï ùåîòéï ìå.


Question (Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak): If one entered another's ruin and unloaded his bundle temporarily and wanted to take it, do we not heed him?! (Also here, why can't he take what he built?)

[ãó ìç òîåã à] ëéåï ãùîò ãîø øáé éò÷á áø àçà îùåí ééùåá àøõ éùøàì àîø (äàîéøä) [ö''ì äà àîøä - îäø''à ôåìãà]


Once [Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak] heard that R. Yakov bar Acha said that it is due to Yishuv Eretz Yisrael, he said 'this teaches the reason].'

àìà áðä áî÷åí ùàéï øàåé ìáðåú åðèò áî÷åí ùàéðå øàåé ìéèò


Implied question: (It is proper to build a ruin.) However, if one built in a place that is not proper to build, or planted in a place that is not proper to plant [what is the law]?

øá àîø ùîéï ìå àìà ùîòøéîéï òìéå ìéëðñ ìùí áéîåú äçîä åáéîåú äâùîéí


Answer (Rav): We estimate for him [and he has the lower hand], but we may scheme [to induce the owner] to enter in summer [for shade] and in winter [to escape the rain. If he does so, this shows that he is pleased with it, and the builder has the upper hand.]

àîø ìå äà úðéúä ùîéï ìå åéãå ìúçúåðä.


Question (to Rav): [Why do we scheme?] It was taught that we estimate for him, and he has the lower hand! (We explained this like MAHARA FULDA.)