
PAYMENT OF MONEY FOR INJURIES (Yerushalmi Perek 8 Halachah 1 Daf 34b)

ùàí äéä ñåîà åñéîà àú òéðå ÷éèò å÷éèò àú éãå äàéê æä îú÷ééí [ãáøéí éè éè] åòùéúí ìå ëàùø æîí ìòùåú ìàçéå. îâéã ùàéðå îùìí àìà îîåï.


If a blind man blinded another's eye, or an amputee cut off another's hand, how would we fulfill "you will do to him like he plotted to do to his brother''? This teaches that he only pays money. (That verse discusses Edim Zomemin. It also says "Ayin Tachas Ayin.'')


PAYMENT FOR PAIN (Yerushalmi Perek 8 Halachah 1 Daf 34b)

öòø ëåééå áùôåã àå áîñîø àôéìå òì öôåøðå î÷åí ùàéðå òåùä çáåøä.


(Mishnah): Pain - if he burned him with a spit or nail, even on his fingernail, in a place that does not make a wound...

ëúéá [ùîåú ëà ëä] ëåééä úçú ëåééä åâå' äéëé ãîé


Question: It says "Keviyah Tachas Keviyah'' - what is the case?

àí áùôöòå åäåöéà ãîå ëáø ëúéá [ùîåú ëà ëä] ôöò úçú ôöò (îä úìîåã ìåîø çáåøä) [ö''ì àí úàîø ùòùä áå çáåøä, åäìà ëáø ðàîø çáåøä úçú çáåøä; åîä úìîåã ìåîø ëåéä úçú ëåéä - äâäåú ø' éåñó ãéððòø, ò''ô îëéìúà ãøáé éùîòàì îùôèéí, ðæé÷éï ç].


If he bruised him and blood came out, it already says Petza Tachas Petza! If you will say that he made a wound, it already says "Chaburah Tachas Chaburah''! What do we learn from Keviyah Tachas Keviyah?

àìà ùàí ëåéå áùôåã òì ëó éãå åöáú òì ëó øâìå åöáú àå ùäèéì òìéå ùìâ àå öéðéí áî÷åí ùàéðå ðøàä (çééá ìøôåúå) [ö''ì ðåúï ìå ãîé öòøå - äâäåú ø' éåñó ãéððòø, ò''ô îëéìúà ùí].


Rather, he burned him with a spit on his palm, and it swelled, or on his foot and it swelled, or he put on him snow or cold water in a place that is not seen, he pays to him his pain. (We explained this like HAGAHOS R. DINAR.)


ESTIMATION OF PAIN (Yerushalmi Perek 8 Halachah 1 Daf 34b)

àåîãéí ëîä àãí ëéåöà áæä øåöä ìéèåì ìäéåú îöèòø áëê.


(Mishnah): We evaluate how much a person like this would ask to receive in order to be pained this way.

à''ø æòéøä çîéé áø ðù åàîøéï ìéä ëîä àú áòé ìîéúï åìà ééàáê àäï öòøà. åîä ãäåà àîø éäáéï ìéä.


(R. Ze'irah): [This means that] we evaluate a person, and say to him 'how much would you give to avoid this pain?' What he says, [the damager] gives to [the victim].

àîø îø òå÷áà ëîä àãí øåöä ìéèåì äéà îúðéúà åúéîø àëï.


Objection (Mar Ukva): Our Mishnah says 'how much a person would ask to receive', and you say so?!

àìà çîéé áø ðù åàîøéï ìéä ëîä àú áòé îéñá åééàáê àäï öòøà åîä ãå àîø éäáéï ìéä.


Rather, we evaluate a person, and say to him 'how much would you want to receive in order to be pained this way?' What he says, [the damager] gives to [the victim].

úðé áï òæàé àåîø ðåúðéï ðëàé îæåï


(Beraisa - Ben Azai): We give loss of food.

îäå ðëàé îæåï á÷ãîéúà äåéðà àëì èìåôçéï åéø÷ åëãåï ìéú áé îéëì àìà áéòéï åúøðâåìéï åîä ãå àîø éäáéï ìéä.


What is loss of food? Initially I used to eat lentils and vegetables. Now I can eat only eggs and chickens. What he says, he gives to him [the added cost of the food he must eat to be cured].

à''ø éåñé áø éò÷á àäï øåîéé ëã îéáàù ìà ðôé÷ ì÷øáà òã ãééëåì îä ãçñø éåîéï áéåîéï:


Support (R. Yosi bar Yakov): These Roman [soldiers], when one is ill, he does not go out to fight until he eats what he was lacking, for a number of days corresponding to the days [that he was ill].