
A CHATZER OF PARTNERS (Yerushalmi Perek 1 Halachah 2 Daf 5b)

àéú úðéé úðé çöø ùì ùåúôéï çééáú åçöø ùàéðä ìùðéäï ôèåøä.


Some teach that a Chatzer of partners is obligated, and a Chatzer that is not of both of them is exempt.

àéú úðéé úðé àôé' çöø ùàéðä ìùðéäí çééáú.


Some teach that even a Chatzer that is not of both of them is obligated.

îàï ãîø çöø ùì ùåúôéï çééáú åçöø ùàéðä ìùðéäï ôèåøä [ãó å òîåã à] ãëúéá îéèá ùãäå. åîàï ãîø àôéìå çöø ùàéðä ìùðéäï çééáú ãëúéá [ùîåú ëá ã] åáòø áùãä àçø îëì î÷åí.


The one who teaches that a Chatzer of partners is obligated, and a Chatzer that is not of both of them is exempt, he learns from "Meitiv Sadehu.'' The one who teaches that even a Chatzer that is not of both of them is obligated, he learns from "u'Vi'er b'Sedei Acher'' - in any case.

øáé éñà áùí ø' éåçðï çöø äùåúôéï (çééáú) [ö''ì ôèåøä - ðúéáåú éøåùìéí, äâäåú ø' éåñó ãéððòø].


(R. Yosa citing R. Yochanan): A Chatzer of partners is exempt. (NESIVOS YERUSHALAYIM, HAGAHOS R. DINAR)