BAVA KAMA 69 - Two weeks of study material have been dedicated by Ms. Estanne Fawer to honor the Yahrzeit of her father, Rav Mordechai ben Eliezer Zvi (Rabbi Morton Weiner) Z'L, who passed away on 18 Teves 5760. May the merit of supporting and advancing Dafyomi study -- which was so important to him -- during the weeks of his Yahrzeit serve as an Iluy for his Neshamah.



úåñ' ã"ä çééá àúä ìéúï ìå ëå'

(Summary: Tosfos reconciles the Gemara in the first Perek of Sanhedrin with the implication of this ruling.)

îùîò ã'çééá àúä ìéúï ìå' ìà äåé âîø ãéï òã ùéàîøå 'öà úï ìå.'


Implication: This implies that 'You are obligated to give it to him!' is not the conclusion of the Din until they say 'Go and give it to him!'

åäà ãàîø áôø÷ ÷îà ãñðäãøéï (ã' å: åùí ã"ä 'ðâîø') 'ðâîø äãéï, àé àúä øùàé ìáöåò... '


Implied Question: ... and when the Gemara says in the first Perek of Sanhedrin (Daf 6a, See there Tosfos DH 'Nigmar') 'Once the Din has been concluded, Beis-Din is no longer permitted to aim at a compromise' ...

åîôøù 'äéëé ãîé âîø ãéï? ôìåðé àúä æëàé! ôìåðé àúä çééá'! ...


Implied Question (cont.): ... and in reply to the question 'what is the defnition of 'G'mar Din' (conclusion of the Din), the Gemara explains there 'P'loni you are Chayav!' or 'P'loni you are Patur!' ...

àò"â ãìà äåé âîø ãéï îîù, ëéåï ù÷øåá äãéï ìâîåø, àñåø ìäèòåú àú äæëàé [åòé' úåñ' á"î éæ. ã"ä çééá].


Answer: Even though it is not the real 'G'mar-Din', since the Din has almost been concluded, Beis-Din is forbidden to 'trick' the litigant who (Beis-Din already know) is innocent (See Maharam).



úåñ' ã"ä ëøí øáòé ëå'

(Summary: Tosfos queries the order of the cases in the Mishnah.)

÷"÷, ãìà ð÷è òøìä úçìä.


Question: It is a little difficult as to why the Tana does not mention Orlah first.)



úåñ' ã"ä çøñéú

(Summary: Tosfos queries Rashi's translation of the word.)

ôéøù ä÷åðèøñ 'ëúåúé øòôéí'.


Clarification: Rashi translates it as 'broken pieces of tile'.

å÷ùä, ãáôø÷ ëñåé äãí (çåìéï ãó ôç. åùí ã"ä çøñéú) çùéá 'çøñéú åìáéðä ëúåùä?'


Question: But in Perek Kisuy ha'Dam (Chulin, Daf 88a, See Tosfos DH 'Charasis') the Gemara reckons 'Charasis and ground tiles'?



úåñ' ã"ä îä çøñéú ãìéú áéä äðàä

(Summary: Tosfos reconciles this statement with the Gemara in Kisuy ha'Dam which permits Charasis to be used for Kisuy ha'Dam.)

úéîä ìø"é, ãáñåó ëñåé äãí (ùí:) àåîø ã'àéï îëñéí àìà áãáø ùæåøòéí áå åîöîéç' ...


Question: The Ri queries this from the Gemara at the end of 'Kisuy ha'Dam' (Ibid.) which confines covering the blood to something with which one plants and it grows ...

åîùîò äúí ãîëñéï áçøñéú?


Question (cont.): And it implies there that one may cover with 'Charasis'?

åúéøõ ø"ú, ãçøñéú æåøòéí áå åîöîéç, àáì àéï îåöéàä ëãé ðôéìä, ìëê ÷øé ìéä çøñéú 'ãìéú áéä äðàä... '


Answer: Rabeinu Tam answered that what one plants in Charasis grows, only it does not produce more than what one plants (See Mesores ha'Shas), which is why it refers to it as 'Charasis that is not subject to benefit'.

åàôéìå îåöéàä éåúø îëãé ðôéìä, äåàéì åôéøåúéä îåòèéí çùéá ìéä áä äðàä.


Answer (cont,): And even if it does produce more than what one plants, it is still referred to as 'not subject to benefit', since the fruit that it produces is such a small amount.



úåñ' ã"ä åäöðåòéï îðéçéï àú äîòåú ëå'

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the case.)

àé ùáéòéú ðåäâ áëøí øáòé ,ëãîùîò [ãà'îéìúéä] ãú"÷ [÷àé] ...


Clarification: Assuming that Kerem R'vai is subject to Shevi'is, as is implied by the fact that Raban Shimon ben Gamliel is referring to the words of the Tana Kama (See Hagahos ve'Tziyunim) ...

öøéê ìåîø ãöðåòéï à'ùàø ùðé ùáåò ÷ééîé ...


Clarification (cont.): We will have to say that the Tzenu'in are referring to the other years of the cycle ...

ãàé à'ùáéòéú, ëéåï ùäéå æåëéí îï ääô÷ø, ìà äéå éëåìéí ìçìì.


Clarification (cont.): ... because if they were referring to Shevi'is, the pickers would acquire the fruit from Hefker, in which case the Tzenu'in could no longer transfer the Kedushah.



úåñ' ã"ä ëì äðì÷è îæä éäà îçåìì

(Summary: Tosfos discusses as to exactly when the Tzenu'in said this and elaborates.)

úéîä, îúé äéå àåîøéí?


Question: When did they say this?

ãìîä ùîì÷èéí àçø àîéøä ìà äéä îåòéì, åàí ëï, åëé áëì ùòä äéå àåîøéí ëï áìé äôñ÷?


Question: Bearing in mind that the statement would not have been effective with regard to what the pickers picked after it was said, they would have had to keep on saying it non-stop without a break?

åë"ú ùáëì òøá äéå àåîøéí ëï, ëîå âáé òðééí áñîåê ...


Refuted Answer: And if you will suggest that they said it every evening, like the case of the poor that the Gemara will discuss shortly ...

î"î ìà äéúä ú÷ðä ìîä ùàëìå ÷åãí àîéøä?


Refutation: ... that is not a solution regarding what the pickers ate before the statement.

åàåø"é, ã'ëì äðì÷è' ìàå ãå÷à îîù àçø ì÷éèä...


Answer: The Ri therefore explains that " 'Kol ha'Nilkat' does not mean literally immediately after the picking ...

àìà îðéç îòåú áòåã ùìà ðì÷è åàåîø 'ëøí øáòé æä ìëùéäéä ðì÷è éäéä îçåìì àçø äì÷éèä'.


Answer (cont.): ... but that they put down the money before the fruit has been picked and declare 'After the fruit of this Kerem R'vai has been picked, it shall be Mechulal (on this money)'.

åäà ã÷àîø ø' ãåñà 'ìòéúåúé òøá , àôéìå îï äùçøéú äéä éëåì ìòùåú ëï, ëîå ùôéøùúé' ...


Implied Question: And when Rebbi Dosa will shortly say (in connection with the case of the poor) 'in the evening', one could just as well do it in the morning, as I just explained' ...

àìà òöä èåáä ÷î"ì, ùìà éúô÷øå òðééí ìì÷è äøáä ëéåï ùäô÷éø.


Answer #1: Only he is giving a good piece of advice, to prevent the poor from 'going to town' and picking a lot, seeing as the owner declared it Hefker (already in the morning).

àé ðîé, 'ìòéúåúé òøá' ãå÷à...


Answer #2: Alternatively, he meant specifically 'the evening' ...

àáì ùçøéú âæøéðï ùîà ìà éôøù ãìàçø ì÷éèä éçåì ääô÷ø.


Answer #2 (cont.): ... but in the morning, we forbid it, for fear that he will fail to declare that the Hefker only takes effect after they have picked it (in which case it will not take effect due to 'B'reirah').

åà"ú, åëéåï ùéù çéìåì áîçåáø ì÷ø÷ò, ëãîùîò áñîåê, ìîä äéå äöðåòéí ãåç÷éí? ìîä ìà äéå îçììéí ëì äëøí ááú àçú?


Question: Seeing as Chilul applies to what is attached to the ground, as is implied in the Gemara shortly, why did the Tzenu'in do it so awkwardly? Why were they not Mechalel the entire orchard in one go?

åé"ì, ãùîà äéå øåöéí ìäåìéê ùàø äôéøåú ìéøåùìéí, ìôéëê ìà äéå øåöéí ìçìì äëì ááú àçú.


Answer #1: Perhaps they had in mind to take the rest of the fruit to Yerushalayim, and that is why they did not want to be Mechalel it all in one go.

àé ðîé, ìôé ùìà äéä îåòéì çéìåì ìîä ùéâãì àçøé ëï.


Answer #2: Alternatively, because the Chilul would not have helped with regard to what grew afterwards.

åà"ú, ëé ÷àîø 'ëì äîúì÷è,' äà ìà äéä îåòéì ìîä ùâãì àçø ëê?


Question: In that case, when they say 'Kol ha'Mislaket too, it will also not help with regard to what grows afterwards?

åé"ì, ãî"î îä ùäéå éëåìéï ìú÷ï äéå îú÷ðéí.


Answer #1: Nevertheless, whatever they could do to rectify matters, they did.

åòåã, ãùîà äéä áèì áøåá.


Answer #2: Moreover, perhaps what grows afterwards would be Bateil be'Rov ...

åàò"â ããáø ùéù ìå îúéøéï àôéìå áàìó ìà áèéì...


Implied Question: ... even though something that will become Mutar does not become Bateil even in a thousand (Beitzah 3b) ...

îëì î÷åí îãàåøééúà áèéì.


Answer: ... nevertheless, min ha'Torah it is Bateil.



úåñ' ã"ä àéîà ëì äîúì÷è

(Summary: Tosfos discusses the fact that Chilul (Pidyon) takes effect even on what is attached to the ground.)

îùîò ãçì ôãéåï áîçåáø ì÷ø÷ò...


Clarification: This implies that Chilul takes effect even on what is attached to the ground.

ùäøé ÷åãí ì÷éèä äéä îúçìì ...


Source: ... seeing as it was Mischalel before it was picked?

ùäøé àçø ùðì÷è ùáà ìøùåú àçøéí, àéï ìáòìéí ëç áäï ìçìì.


Proof: ... because once it has been picked and it has entered the domain of others, the owner no longer has the power to redeem it.

åúéîä, ãáúåñôúà îùîò ãàéï çéìåì áîçåáø...


Question: It is implied in the Tosefta that Chilul does not take effect on what is attached to the ground ...

ãúðéà áñåó îòùø ùðé: 'ëøí øáòé: á"ù àåîøéí "àéï ôåãéï àåúí òðáéí àìà ééï," åá"ä àåîøéí "òðáéí åééï," åäëì îåãéí ùàéï ôåãéï áîçåáø ì÷ø÷ò?


Source: ... when the Beraisa at the end of Ma'aser Sheini states in connection with Kerem R'vai: 'Beis Shamai say that one can only redeem it once it is wine, Beis Hillel say either grapes or wine; and they both agree that one cannot redeem it whilst it is attached to the ground ...

åðøàä ãèòîà ãéìôéðï "÷ãù" "÷ãù" îîòùø.


Reason: ... and presumably this is because we learn "Kodesh" "Kodesh" from Ma'aser (Sheini).

åéù ìåîø, ãäúí ìà äåé èòîà àìà îùåí ãîçåáø àéï ãîéå, éãåòéï åìëê àéï ôåãéï àôéìå òì ôé ùìùä...


Answer: The reason there is only (mi'de'Rabanan) because as long as it is attached, its value is not known (See Maharam), which explains why it cannot even be redeemed with three people (See Hagahos ve'Tziyunim) ...

åäééðå ðîé èòîà ãá"ù.


Answer (cont.): And that is also Beis Shamai's reason.



úåñ' ã"ä ëì ùì÷èå òðééí äéåí éäà äô÷ø

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the statement and elaborates.)

ú÷ðä òåùä ìòðééí ìôåèøí îï äîòùø, ëùîì÷èéï éåúø îãéðí -ëâåï â' ùáåìéí, åàåëìéï áìà îòùø...


Clarification: He (Rebbi Dosa) instituted this Takanah on behalf of the poor, when they collect more than they are entitled to - such as three grains at one time, and eat them without taking Ma'aser from them ...

ìôé ùì÷è ùëçä åôàä ôèåøéí îï äîòùø ...


Reason: ... since Leket, Shikchah and Pe'ah are Patur from Ma'aser.

ìëê àåîø áòä"á 'ëì ùì÷èå éäéä äô÷ø' ëãé ùéôèåø äëì îîòùø, ãäô÷ø ôèåø îîòùø.


Clarification (cont.): That is why the owner declares that whatever they have picked should be Hefker, which is Patur from Ma'aser.

åöøéê ìåîø, ãáòì äáéú àéï îúééàù...


Chidush: And we are forced to say that the owner did not give up hope ...

à"ë ìî"ã éàåù ëãé ÷ðé - åçùéá éàåù îãòú ëîå úîøé ãæé÷à ú÷ùä ìéä îä îåòéì äô÷ø ìôåèøå îï äîòùø, åäìà ëáø æëå áäï òðééí áúåøú âæì òì éãé éàåù?


Reason: ... because if he did - and it would be considered Yi'ush mi'Da'as, like the dates blown down by the wind - one can ask how Hefker can be effective to exempt him from Ma'aser, seeing as the poor already acquired it in the form of theft through Yi'ush?

åîéäå æä àéï ìä÷ùåú àí áòì äáéú îúééàù, ìîä öøéê ìäô÷éø ëãé ìôåèøå îï äîòùø? åäìà éàåù çùåá äåà ëäô÷ø ìôåèøå îï äîòùø...


Refuted Question #1: One cannot however, ask that if the owner gave up hope, why would he then need to declare it Hefker in order to exempt it from Ma'aser, bearing in mind that Yi'ush is akin to Hefker to exempt from Ma'aser ...

ëãîåëç áàìå îöéàåú (á"î ã' ëà:)?


Source: ... as is evident in 'Eilu Metzi'os' (Bava Metzi'a, Daf 21b).

åòåã, ãìîä ìà éåòéì 'ëì ùì÷èå' ìë"ò, ãàèå îé âøò îéàåù?


Refuted Question #2: Moreover, why will 'Kol she'Laktu ... ' not be effective according to all opinions? Why should it be any worse than Yi'ush?

ãäà ìà ãîé éàåù ãäëà ãâáé âæìï ìéàåù ãîöéàä ... ãàé éàåù ÷ðé áëì òðéï àôéìå àí àéï äâæéìä áøùåú äâæìï áùòú éàåù, àí ëï,éàåù ãäëà ìà äåé àìà ëìôé ãéãéä åäåé ëîúðä áòìîà;åàéï ìå ìôèåø îï äîòùø?


Refutation: ... because the Yi'ush by Gazlan cannot be compared to the Yi'ush by Metzi'ah.

åàôéìå àú"ì ãìà ÷ðé àà"ë äâæéìä áøùåú äâæìï, àáì àí äéà áøùåú äøáéí áùòú éàåù, ëì äîçæé÷ áä æëä áä...


Refutation (cont.): And even if one says that the Gazlan does not acquire the Gezeilah unless it is in his domain, but if it was in the R'shus ha'Rabim at the time that the owner was Meya'esh, then whoever takes it for himself would acquire it.

àé ðîé ìî"ã 'éàåù ëãé ìà ÷ðé ëìì', åëì äîçæé÷ áä æëä áä


Question #2: Or according to the opinion that holds that 'Yi'ush on its own is not Koneh at all', and whoever takes it for himself acquires it ...

î"î, àéï æä éàåù ôåèø îï äîòùø...


Answer #1: ... nevertheless, this Yi'ush does not exempt the Gazlan from Ma'aser ...

ãðäé ãðâæì àéï éëåì ìúáåò îï äîçæé÷ áä àçø éàåù, ëãàîøéðï áäâåæì áúøà (ì÷îï ã' ÷éà:)...


Reason: ... because, granted the owner cannot claim it from whoever takes it after Yi'ush, as the Gemara says in the last Perek (later, Daf 111b) ...

ããå÷à 'âæì åìà ðúééàùå äáòìéí åáà àçø åàëìå, øöä îæä âåáä øöä îæä âåáä ' ...


Source: ... since it is specifically if someone steals before the owner has been Meya'esh and someone comes and eats it that the owner may claim from whichever one he wants ...

àáì àçø éàåù, àéï éëåì ìâáåú ëìåí îï äùðé ...


Source (cont.): ... but after Yi'ush, he cannot claim from the second one ...

î"î, ëéåï ùëì àãí àñåø ìäçæé÷ áä- îôðé ùäéà öøéëä ìâæìï ìéôèø îï äðâæì...


. Reason (cont.): Nevertheless, since nobody else is permitted to take it - seeing as the Gazlan needs it in order to pay the owner ...

åàí ëáø æëä áä àçø, ìëì äôçåú çééá ìùìí ãîéí ìâæìï ...


Reason (cont.): ... and even if somebody else already took it, he is at least obligated to pay money to the Gazlan ...

ëãàîø ìòéì ãàôéìå ìî"ã éàåù ìà ÷ðé, çééá âðá ùðé ìùìí ÷øï ìâðá øàùåï ...


Source: ... as the Gemara said earlier (on 68a) that even according to the opinion that Yi'ush is not Koneh, the second Ganav is Chayav to pay the article to the first Ganav ...

ìà çùéá ëäô÷ø ìôèåø îï äîòùø.


Reason (concl.): It is not considered Hefker to exempt from Ma'aser ...

ãèòîà ãäô÷ø ôèåø îï äîòùø -îùåí ãëúéá "åáà äìåé ëé àéï ìå çì÷ åðçìä òîê," 'éöà ì÷è åùëçä åôàä ùéù ìå çì÷ åðçìä òîê - ' åäééðå èòîà ãäô÷ø ...


Answer #1 (cont.): ... because the reason that Hefker is Patur from Ma'aser is because the Torah writes 'And the Levi who has no portion or inheritance with you shall come', to preclude Leket, Shikchah and Pe'ah, where he does have a portion and an inheritance with you (Sifri, Re'ei), and the same reason applies to Hefker ...

åäëà àéï ìå çì÷ áä, ùàñåø ìæëåú áä, åàí æëä çééá ìùìí ìëì äôçåú ãîéí.


Answer #1 (concl.): ... whereas in the current case, he has no portion in it, since he is forbidden to acquire it, and if he does, he is, at the very least, obligated to pay its value.

åòåã, ãáñúîà àéï îúééàù àìà ìâáé òðééí, åàéï îåòéì ìôèåø îï äîòùø òã ùéäéä äô÷ø ìòðééí åìòùéøéí, ëùîéèä.


Answer #2: Moreover, one can assume that the owner's Yi'ush is confined to the poor, and it is not effective to exempt him from Ma'aser unless it is Hefker for both the poor and the rich, like Sh'mitah (See Hagahos ve'Tziyunim).




úåñ' ã"ä äìå÷ç ééï îï äëåúéí

(Summary: Tosfos refers to the Gemara in 'Kol ha'Get'.)

äëì îôåøù áôø÷ ëì äâè (âéèéï ãó ëä. åùí).


This entire Mishnah is explained in Perek Kol ha'Get (Gitin, Daf 25a, Tosfos DH 'ha'Loke'ach Yayin).



úåñ' ã"ä àìà ìòåìí ëì äðì÷è

(Summary: Tosfos resolves an apparent contraction in two rulings of Rebbi Yochanan.)

ä÷ùä øáéðå èåáéä - ú÷ùä ãøáé éåçðï à'ãøáé éåçðï, ãìéú ìéä ìøáé éåçðï áøéøä, åäàîø øáé éåçðï 'äìëä ëñúí îùðä' -åñúí îúðéúéï ãäìå÷ç ëø"î ãàéú ìéä áøéøä?


Question: Rabeinu Tuvya points out that one can query Rebbi Yochanan who does not hold of 'B'reirah' here, from his ruling 'Halachah ki'S'tam Mishnah' - and the S'tam Mishnah in 'ha'Loke'ach [min ha'Kutim' in D'mai 7:4] conforms to Rebbi Meir, who holds 'Yesh B'reirah'?

åàò"â ãñúîà ãöðåòéí ìéú ìéä áøéøä...


Refuted Answer: And even though the S'tam Mishnah of Tzenu'im doesn't hold of B'reirah ...

î"î ú÷ùä îàé àåìîéä ãäàé ñúîà îäàé ñúîà?


Refutation: ... the question remains however, what makes Rebbi Yochanan pick one S'tam over another?

åùîà øáé éåçðï äéëà ùîúðä áôéøåù, ìà ÷àîø ø' éåçðï ãàéï áøéøä.


Suggested Answer: Perhaps Rebbi Yochanan does not say 'Ein B'reirah' there where one specifically stipulates.

åáøéù ëì äâè (ùí) ã÷àîø øáé éåçðï 'àó àçøåï àéðå ôåñì - îùåí ãàéï áøéøä ... '


Question: And at the beginning of 'Kol ha'Get' (Ibid.), where Rebbi Yochanan says that also the last case there does not invalidate (the Get) ...

ùàðé äúí ãëúéá "åëúá ìä," ãîùîò ùéäéä öøéê ùéäéä îáåøø áùòú ëúéáä ...


Answer: ... it is different there, since the Torah writes "ve'Kasav lah", implying that the written condition must be specific at the time of writing (even if one specifically stipulated).

ëîå ùîôåøù áøéù 'ëì äâè'.


Proof: ... as the Gemara explains at the beginning of 'Kol ha'Get'.



úåñ' ã"ä ä"à öðåòéí àéú ìäå ãø' ãåñà

(Summary: Tosfos explains the difference between the Havah Amina and Rebbi Yochanan and elaborates.)

åìà îï äãéï... ã'âæì åìà ðúééàùå äáòìéí, ùðéäï àéï éëåìéï ìä÷ãéù åìçìì åìäô÷éø' ...


Clarification: Not strictly according to the Din, since 'if someone steals, then neither (the thief nor the owner) is able to declare it Hekdesh, to redeem it or be Mafkir it' ...

àìà îçîú ú÷ðä äåà, ãàå÷îé øáðï áøùåúéä ìçìì åìäô÷éø ùìà éëùìå òðééí åâðáéí...


Clarification (cont.): Only it is a Takanah, in that the Rabanan placed the article in the owner's R'shus to redeem it or to be Mafkir it in order to prevent the poor and the Ganavim from sinning ...

åøáé ãåñà ìéú ìéä ãöðåòéï, ãáòðééí òáåã øáðï ú÷ðä åìà áâðáéí.


Clarification (cont.): 'But Rebbi Dosa does not hold like the Tzenu'in', since the Rabanan made that Takanah on behalf of the poor but not on behalf of the Ganavim.

àáì äùúà ã÷àîø ø' éåçðï 'öðåòéï åø' ãåñà àîøå ãáø àçã, ,' à"ë ñåáø äåà ãìà îçîú ú÷ðä àìà îï äãéï.


Clarification (concl.): But now that Rebbi Yochanan equated the Tzenu'in with Rebbi Dosa, he must hold that that it is not only due to a Takanah, but to the strict Din.

åìà áòé ìîéîø ãìòðéï áøéøä ãå÷à ÷'àîøé ãáø àçã ,'ãúøåééäå ìéú ìäå áøéøä ...


Implied Question: The Gemara does not want to say that they only said the same thing regarding 'B'reirah' in that neither of them hold of it.

ùäøé 'ãáø àçã' îùîò îîù ãáø àçã.


Answer: ... since 'Davar Echad' implies that they literally share the same opinion.

å÷ùä, ãáôø÷ äòåø åäøåèá (çåìéï ãó ÷ëã:) àîø øáé éåçðï 'ø' éùîòàì åøáé ãåñà áï äøëéðñ àîøå ãáø àçã ,'ãìàå îîù ãáø àçã, ãáîâò ãå÷à àîøå ãáø àçã, àáì áîùà ôìéâé...


Question: In Perek ha'Or ve'ha'Rotev (Chulin, Daf 124b) Rebbi Yochanan says that 'Rebbi Yishmael and Rebbi Dosa ben Horkinas say the same thing', though this cannot be taken literally, since they only agree with regard to Maga, but with regard to Masa, they argue ...

ãäúí úðï 'ùðé çöàé æéúéí îèîàéí áîùà åìà áîâò, ãáøé øáé éùîòàì... '


Source: ... seeing as the Mishnah there, citing Rebbi Yishmael, states that 'Two half-Zeisim render Tamei visa Masa but not via Maga ...

åáääéà ãøáé ãåñà úðï áîñëú àäìåú áôø÷ â' (îùðä à) 'ëì äîèîàéï áàäì ùðçì÷å åäëðéñï ìáéú, øáé ãåñà áï äøëéðñ îèäø, åçëîéí îèîàéï åëå' .


Source (cont.): ... whereas regarding Rebbi Dosa, the Mishnah in Ohalos (3:1) states that 'Whatever is Metamei be'Ohel that is divided in two that one brings into the house, Rebbi Dosa ben Horkinas declares Tahor, and the Chachamim, Tamei ... .

îùîò ãø' ãåñà áï äøëéðñ îèäø áîâò åáîùà?


Question (cont.): ... implying that Rebbi Dosa declares Tahor regarding both Maga and Masa?

åéù ìåîø, ëéåï ãáîâò àîøå ãáø àçã, àéï çåùù àò"â ãìà ùåå áîùà.


Answer #1: Seeing as regarding Maga, they say the same thing, it doesn't matter if they argue over Masa.

åòåã àåîø ø"é, ãìâîøé îöéú ìîéîø ãñáø øáé ãåñà ëøáé éùîòàì ...


Answer #2: Furthermore, says the Ri, it is possible to say that Rebbi Dosa holds (completely) like Rebbi Yishmael ...

åäà ãìøáé éùîòàì 'îöèøôéí' äééðå áîøåãã, åø' ãåñà àééøé áîôåæø ìâîøé, ãìâáé îùà áòé ðåùà, åäåà ãðéùà ùéäà îçåáø éçã, ëã÷àîø òåìà áääéà ùîòúà ...


Answer #2 (cont.): ... and Rebbi Yishmael says 'Mitztarfin' where the two halves are joined together, whereas Rebbi Dosa is speaking where they are completely separate, since Masa requires someone to carry them, and they need to be carried when they are joined, as Ula explains in that Sugya ...

åàå÷é òåìà ëøáé ãåñà åìà ëøáðï...


Answer #2 (cont.): ... and the Gemara establishes Ula like Rebbi Dosa and not like the Rabanan ...

ãáìàå äëé ôìéâé áä úðàé áãòåìà. åîä ùéëåì ìúøõ àìéáéä, îúøõ.


Answer #2 (concl.): Since in any event, Ula is subject to a Machlokes Tana'im, and whatever we can establish like Ula, we do.

àé ðîé, òåìà îå÷é ôìåâúééäå áîøåãã, åàúé ëøáðï...


Answer #3: Alternatively, Ula establishes the Machlokes (between Rebbi Dosa and Rebbi Yishmael) where the two halves are joined together, and it goes like the Rabanan ...

åìéú ìéä ãàîøå ãáø àçã.


Answer #3 (cont.): ... in which case, Rebbi Dosa and Rebbi Yishmael do not say the same thing.



úåñ' ã"ä ÷øééä øçîðà îòùøå åîåñéó çåîù

(Summary: Tosfos asks why Rava requires the fifth in order to prove that the Ma'aser belongs to the owner.)

úéîä ìø"é, ãáìà çåîù éëåì ìã÷ã÷ ãàå÷îéä øçîðà áøùåúéä, îëéåï ùéëåì ìôãåúå, åàéï ùåí àãí éëåì ìòëá òìéå; àáì àçø àéï éëåì ìôãåú áò"ë?


Question: The Ri asks that, without the Chomesh Rava could have extrapolated that the Ma'aser belongs to the owner, from the fact that he is able to redeem it, and that nobody can stop him from doing so, whereas nobody else can redeem it against his wishes?

åé"ì, ãäà îä ùäåà éëåì ìôãåúå åìà àçø, äééðå ìôé ùäåà áéãå, àáì ëùäåà áéã àçøéí ëîå ëøí øáòé ãìòéì àæ ìà éåëì ìôãåúå...


Answer: The reason that the owner can redeem it and nobody else is because he has it in his domain, whereas if it was in somebody else's domain, such as the case of Kerem R'vai, he would not be able to redeem it ...

àáì äùúà ãàùëçï ùéäéä çùåá ë"ë ùìå ùîåñéó çåîù, åàçø àôéìå ëùôåãä îãòúå àéï îåñéó çåîù, ù"î ãìâîøé àå÷îéä øçîðà áøùåúéä, åàôéìå äåà áøùåú àçøéí.


Answer (cont.): But now that we find it to be considered his to such an extent that only he adds a fifth, but nobody else - even if he redeems it with his consent, it proves that the Torah has placed it in his R'shus, even if it is factually in somebody else's domain.



úåñ' ã"ä ÷ãù ÷ãù éìéó îîòùø

(Summary: Tosfos reconciles this D'rashah with the Gemara in 'Keitzad Mevorchin', which appears to circumvent this Gezeirah Shavah and elaborates.)

úéîä, ãì"ì ìîéãøù áôø÷ ëéöã îáøëéï (áøëåú ã' ìä. åùí ã"ä àçìéä) îãëúéá "÷ãù äìåìéí' ,"àçìéä åäãø àëìéä... ' ôéøåù - ëøí øáòé èòåï çéìåì?


Question #1: Why does the Gemara in Perek Keitzad Mevorchin (B'rachos, Daf 35a, See Tosfor DH 'Achleleih'ih') need to learn from the Pasuk "Kodesh Hilulim" 'Achleih ve'Hadar Achleih' (redeem it and then eat it)!' to teach us that Kerem R'vai requires Chilul? ...

úéôå÷ ìéä î"÷ãù" "÷ãù" ãîòùø?


Question #1 (cont.): Why can we not learn it "Kodesh" Kodesh" from Ma'aser?

åé"ì, ãàé ìàå ãàùëçï áéä ôãéåï, äåä éìôéðï "÷ãù" "÷ãù" îùáéòéú ùàéï ìå ôãéåï ëìì.


Answer #1: Because if we did not find Chilul by it (independently), we would learn "Kodesh" Kodesh" from Shevi'is, which is not subject to redemption at all.

åàéï ìä÷ùåú ìîä ìé "÷ãù" "÷ãù " ëìì, úéôå÷ ìéä î"äìåìéí?"


Question #2: One cannot however ask why we need "Kodesh" "Kodesh" at all? Why can we not simply learn it from "Hilulim" ...

ãâæéøä ùåä ã"÷ãù" àöèøéê ìîéîø, ãéù ìå çåîù, ëãàîø áô"á ã÷ãåùéï (ã' ðã: åùí ã"ä 'âîø').


Answer to Question #2: ... since we need the Gezeirah-Shavah of "Kodesh" "Kodesh" to teach us that he must pay an extra fifth, as the Gemara explains in Kidushin (Daf 54b, See Tosfos There DH 'Gamar').

åøáéðå çééí úéøõ, ãàé ìàå "äìåìéí", îâæéøä ùåä ìà äåä éãòéðï ùöøéê çéìåì áùáéòéú, ùàéï îòùø ùðé ðåäâ áùáéòéú.


Answer #2 to Question #1: Rabeinu Chayim answers that, were it not for "Hilulim", from the Gezeirah-Shavah we would not know that it (Kerem R'vai) requires Chilul in the Sh'mitah year, since Ma'aser Sheini does not apply in the Sh'mitah-year.

åäáéà øàéä îéøåùìîé ãîòùø ùðé ô"ä ã÷àîø ' -îä ãàú àîøú àéï îòùø ùðé ðåäâ áùáéòéú, ãëååúéä àéï ðèò øáòé áùáéòéú ...'.


Support: And he supports this from the Yerushalmi in Ma'aser Sheini (Perek 5, Halachah 2), which states 'What you said that Ma'aser Sheini does not apply in the Sh'mitah, Neta R'vai does not apply in the Sh'mitah either' ...

åãéé÷ äúí ùâí ùìéùéú åùùéú ùàéï áäí îòùø ùðé, ìà éäéä áäï ðèò øáòé?


Support (cont.): And the Gemara there tries to extrapolate that in that case, in the third and sixth years, when there is no Ma'aser Sheini, it should not apply either?

àîø øáé éåñé 'ùìéùéú åùùéú éù áäí îòùøåú, åùáéòéú àéï áä îòùø ëì òé÷ø'.


Support (concl.): But Rebbi Yossi concludes that (it does, since) in the third and sixth years, the other Ma'asros apply, whereas in the seventh year, there are no Ma'asros at all.



úåñ' ã"ä àáì ì÷è ãîîåï ãéãéä äåà

(Summary: Tosfos explains why the Gemara sees fit to make this distinction.)

ìà äåä öøéê ìîéîø àìà ãâáé ì÷è ìéëà ÷øà?


Question: All the Gemara needed to say is that regarding Leket there is no Pasuk?

àìà ìøååçà ãîéìúéä ð÷èéä ãàôé' àéëà ÷øà ìà ãîé àäããé.


Answer: Only it is teaching as an additional Chidush, in that even if there would be a Pasuk they would not be comparable.