[92a - 55 lines; 92b - 55 lines]

1)[line 1]ùîåàì àééúé ìéä àøéñéä úîøéSHMUEL, AISI LEI ARISEI TAMREI- his sharecropper brought dates to Shmuel

2)[line 2]àëéì èòéí áäå èòîà ãçîøàACHIL, TA'IM BEHU TA'AMA D'CHAMRA- he ate [them], and he tasted in them the taste of wine

3)[line 3]áéðé âåôðé ÷ééîéBEINEI GUFNEI KAIMEI- they stand among the grapevines

4)[line 4]îëçùé áçîøà ëåìé äàéMEKACHASHEI B'CHAMRA KULEI HAI?!- they weaken the wine so much?!

5)[line 5]î÷åøééäåMEKORAIHU- (a) [bring me] their roots (i.e. uproot the tree); (b) alt. MI'KORAIHU - [bring me] from their Kor, the soft wood that grows around the base and roots of the tree (i.e. uproot the tree)

6)[line 5]øá çñãà çæà úàìé áé âåôðéRAV CHISDA CHAZA TALEI BEI GUFNEI- Rav Chisda saw young date-palms growing among the grapevines

7)[line 7]âåôðé ÷ðé ã÷ìéGUFNEI KANEI DIKLEI- [the produce of] grapevines can buy date-palms (since grapevines are worth much more)

8)[line 8]àéï ðîçì ìå òã ùéá÷ù îîðåEIN NIMCHAL LO AD SHE'YEVAKESH MIMENU- [his sin] is not forgiven to him until he asks [forgiveness] from him (the one whom he harmed)

9)[line 9]"åòúä äùá àùú äàéù...""V'ATAH HASHEV ESHES HA'ISH..."- "And now, return the man's wife, because he is a prophet, and he will pray for you and you will live" (Bereishis 20:7). The Mishnah proves from here that one must ask forgiveness from the person he harmed, because Avimelech was telling his servants to ask forgiveness from Avraham, and only then "he will pray for you and you will live" (Me'iri).

10)[line 11]"åéúôìì àáøäí...""VA'YISPALEL AVRAHAM..."- "And Avraham prayed to G-d, and G-d healed Avimelech, and his wife, and his maid-servants, and they were able to give birth" (Bereishis 20:17).

11)[line 13]÷èòKATE'A- cut

12)[line 13]ùáøSHABER- break

13a)[line 18]áåùúåBOSHTO- his payment of Boshes (the money paid for embarrassing someone)

b)[line 18]öòøåTZA'ARO- the mental anguish/distress caused to a person by the embarrassment

14)[line 19]àéìé ðáéåúEILEI NEVAYOS- the rams from Nevayos, an Arab settlement (see Bereishis 25:13) to the south-east of Israel

15)[line 24]"äâåé âí öãé÷ úäøåâ""HA'GOY GAM TZADIK TAHAROG"- "Will you kill a nation that is righteous?" (Bereishis 20:4)

16)[line 25]åëáø ìéîãU'CHEVAR LIMED- and he (Avraham) already taught

17)[line 26]àëñðàéACHSENAI- a guest at an inn

18)[line 28]"ëé òöåø òöø ä'""KI ATZOR ATZAR HASH-M..."- "For HaSh-m completely closed up [every bodily opening]...." (Bereishis 20:18).

19)[line 30]å÷èðéíKETANIM- urinating

20)[line 31]åôé èáòúPI TABA'AS- the opening of the anus

21)[line 33]ìà äèéìä áéöúäLO HITILAH BEITZASAH- did not lay its egg

22)[line 38]"åä' ô÷ã àú ùøä ëàùø àîø""VA'SH-M PAKAD ES SARAH KA'ASHER AMAR"- "And HaSh-m remembered Sarah, as He had said" (Bereishis 21:1). The Gemara interprets the verse as, "And HaSh-m remembered Sarah, as he had said," referring to Avraham's prayer on behalf of Avimelech and his household.

23)[line 40]áäãé äåöà ì÷é ëøáàBAHADEI HUTZA LAKI CHARBA- together with the thorn, the cabbage is smitten (the good person who has wicked neighbors will be smitten with them)

24)[line 43]"åî÷öä àçéå ì÷ç çîùä àðùéí...""U'MIKTZEH ECHAV LAKACH CHAMISHAH ANASHIM..."- "From the weakest of his brothers he took five men..." (Bereishis 47:2).

25)[line 44]àåúï ùäåëôìå áùîåúOSAN SHE'HUCHPELU B'SHEMOS- those whose names are repeated (in the blessings given to them by their father, Yakov)

26)[line 45]ìîéìúéä äåà ãàéëôìL'MILSEI HU D'ICHPAL- for his own matter was his name repeated (and not because he was weak)

27)[line 47]"... åéäé îúéå îñôø""... VI'YHI MESAV MISPAR"- "... and may his members be part of the count" (Devarim 33:6). The proximity of this verse with the following verse, "And this to Yehudah," teaches that it was Yehudah's act that taught Reuven to confess.

28)[line 48]îâåìâìéï áàøåïMEGULGALIN BA'ARON- [detached from each other and] rolling in his coffin

29)[line 50]òì àéáøéä ìùôàAL EIVAREI L'SHAFA- (O.F. esloisedure; point of dislocation of a bone, joint) his bones went back into their places [with the cartilage and various ligaments making his skeleton whole once again]

30)[line 50]ìà äåå ÷à îñ÷é ìîúéáúà ãø÷éòàLO HAVU KA MASKEI LI'MESIVTA DI'REKI'A- they would not let him in (lit. bring him up) to the Heavenly Academy

31)[line 51]ìà äåä éãò îàé ÷àîøé øáðï åìîù÷ì åîéèøç áäãé øáðïLO HAVAH YADA MAI KA'AMREI RABANAN UL'MISHKAL U'MITRACH BAHADEI RABANAN- he did not know what the Rabanan were saying, or how to discuss Torah topics together with the Rabanan

32)[line 52]ìà äåä ñìé÷ ìéä ùîòúúà àìéáà ãäìëúàLO HAVAH SALIK LEI SHEMA'ATA ALIBA D'HILCHESA- his conclusions were not in accordance with the correct Halachah

33)[line 53]áúø òðéà àæìà òðéåúàBASAR ANYA AZLA ANIYUSA- poverty follows a pauper

34)[line 54]áëåøéíBIKURIM

See Background to Bava Kama 82:2.

35)[line 54]á÷ìúåú ùì æäá åùì ëñóKALASOS SHEL KESEF V'SHEL ZAHAV- (a) baskets woven from silver or gold fibers (see Aruch); (b) baskets covered with gold or silver

36)[line 54]áñìé ðöøéí ùì òøáä ÷ìåôäSALEI NETZARIM SHEL ARAVAH KELUFAH- wicker baskets made of peeled willow branches


37)[line 1]"... åèîà èîà é÷øà...""... V'TAMEI TAMEI YIKRA"- "[And the Tzaru'a in whom the affliction is found, his clothes shall be torn, and his head shall remain uncut, and he shall cover his head until his upper lip,] and shall call out, 'Unclean, unclean'" (Vayikra 13:45) - The purpose for announcing that he is Tamei is so that people will pray for him. Our Gemara teaches that it is also meant to cause him disgrace.

38a)[line 3]äçîäHA'CHAMAH- the heat

b)[line 3]äöéðäHA'TZINAH- the cold

39a)[line 4]ùéúéï øäåèé øäåèSHITIN REHUTEI RAHUT- sixty runners run

b)[line 4]åìà îèå ìâáøà ãîöôøà ëøêV'LO MATU L'GAVRA DEMI'TZAFRA KARACH- but they do not reach the person who ate bread in the morning

40)[line 5]"ìà éøòáå åìà éöîàå åìà éëí ùøá åùîù""LO YIR'AVU V'LO YITZMA'U, V'LO YAKEM SHARAV VA'SHAMESH"- "They will not be hungry and they will not be thirsty, heat and sun with not smite them" (Yeshayah 49:10).

41)[line 9]å÷éúåï ùì îéíKITON SHEL MAYIM- a pitcher of water

42)[line 11]îøäMARAH- gallbladder

43)[line 15]çáøê ÷øééê çîøà àåëôà ìâáéê îåùCHAVRACH KARYACH CHAMRA, UCHPA L'GABICH MUSH- [when] your friends call you a donkey, take the saddle onto your back

44)[line 17]"åéàîø äâø ùôçú ùøé...""VA'YOMAR, HAGAR SHIFCHAS SARAI..."- "And he (the angel) said: 'Hagar, the maidservant of Sarai, from where are you coming, and to where are you going?' And she said, 'From before Sarai my mistress I am fleeing'" (Bereishis 16:8).

45)[line 20]îéìúà âðàä ãàéú áéê ÷ãéí àîøäMILSA GANA'AH D'IS BICH, KADIM AMRAH- a loathsome thing that is in you, you be first to say it

46a)[line 23]ùôéì åàæéì áø àååæàSHAFIL V'AZIL BAR AVZA- a goose bends its head down while walking

b)[line 24]åòéðéä îèééôéV'EINEI MITAIFEI- but its eyes are lifted [to look out to a distance]

47)[line 24]"åäèéá ä' ìàãðÄé åæëøú [àú] àîúê""V'HEITIV HASH-M LADONI V'ZACHARTA ES AMASECHA"- "... and may HaSh-m bestow good to my master, and may you remember your maidservant" (Shmuel I 25:31).

48)[line 27]ùéúéï úëìé îèééä ìëëà ã÷ì çáøéä ùîò åìà àëìSHISIN TICHLEI MATYEI L'CHACHA D'KAL CHAVREI SHAMA V'LO ACHAL- sixty pains comes to the tooth that hears the voice of its friend (chewing and eating food) and it does not eat

49)[line 28]"åìé àðé òáãê åìöãå÷ äëäï åìáðéäå áï éäåéãò åìùìîä òáãê ìà ÷øà""V'LI ANI AVDECHA UL'TZADOK HA'KOHEN V'LI'VNAYAHU VEN YEHOYADA V'LI'SHLOMO AVDECHA LO KARA" - "And to me, your servant, and to Tzadok ha'Kohen and to Benayahu son of Yehoyada and to Shlomo your servant he did not call." (Melachim I 1:26) (ADONIYAHU'S UPRISING)

(a)David ha'Melech was old and bedridden. His son Adoniyahu (who was born immediately after Avshalom, David's oldest son, who was no longer alive) was encouraged by Yo'av, David's erstwhile commander of the army, to begin an uprising against the king. Evyasar, the deposed Kohen Gadol, also took advantage of the situation. He invited all of the king's sons (with the obvious exception of Shlomo) and the men of Yehudah to an event at which he had himself announced king. He did not invite Nasan ha'Navi, Benayahu (the head of the Beis Din), the strong men, and other notables who were close to the king.

(b)When Nasan heard about this, he immediately informed Bas Sheva (the mother of Shlomo, whom David had promised would replace him on the throne). She, in turn, promptly informed her husband, the king, of the rebellion and reminded him of his promise to her. As previously arranged, Nasan joined her and added weight to her words. Realizing the urgency of the situation, David responded with a promise to Bas Sheva that Shlomo would succeed him as king, and he asked her to summon the three abovementioned leaders. Upon their arrival, he ordered them to ride Shlomo his son on his own personal mule down to the River Gichon, where Tzadok ha'Kohen and Nasan ha'Navi were to crown him. Afterwards, they were to exclaim, "Long live the king!" and sit the young king upon the throne, because he was the one who would rule over Yisrael and Yehudah.

(c)Benayahu ben Yehoyada responded with a hearty "Amen!" He then issued a blessing that HaSh-m should be with Shlomo as he had been with David.

(d)Tzadok, Nasan, and Benayahu, followed by the Kreisi u'Pleisi, followed David's instructions to the letter. Finally, Nasan took the horn containing the anointing oil and anointed Shlomo; they blew the Shofar, and all of the people cried out, "Long live the king!" The rebellion was over and all those connected with it dispersed. (See also Background to Bava Basra 109:31.)

50)[line 33]çîøà ìîøéä èéáåúà ìù÷ééäCHAMRA L'MAREI, TIVUSA L'SHAKYEI- (a) the wine belongs to its owner, but the appreciation is given to the servant who pours it (Rashi); (b) the wine belongs to the owner, but the generosity is the one of the servant who pours it (in abundance)

51)[line 37]ëìáà áëôðéä âììé îáìòKALBA B'CHAFNEI GALELEI MIVLA- (a) a dog, during a famine, swallows rocks; (b) (alt. GELALEI) a dog, during a famine, swallows its excrement (Rashi prefers the first explanation, since it is not the manner of a dog to swallow rocks except during a famine)

52)[line 37]"ðôù ùáòä úáåñ ðåôú, åðôù øòáä ëì îø îúå÷""NEFESH SEVE'AH TAVUS NOFES, V'NEFESH RE'EVAH KOL MAR MASOK"- "The satiated soul will trample a honeycomb, and for the hungry soul all bitter things are sweet" (Mishlei 27:7).

53)[line 39]îèééì åàæéì ãé÷ìà áéùà âáé ÷éðà ãùøëéMETAYEIL V'AZIL DIKLA VISHA GABEI KINA D'SRACHEI- a bad date-palm will travel and go to be with thorn bushes

54)[line 41]"[åéáøç éôúç îôðé àçéå åéùá áàøõ èåá] åéúì÷èå àì éôúç àðùéí øé÷éí åéöàå òîå""[VA'YIVRACH YIFTACH MIPNEI ECHAV, VA'YESHEV B'ERETZ TOV;] VA'YISLAKTU EL YIFTACH ANASHIM REIKIM, VA'YETZ'U IMO" - "[And Yiftach fled before his brothers, and he settled in a good land;] and boorish men gathered to him, and they ventured forth with him" (Shoftim 11:3) (YIFTACH HA'GIL'ADI)

(a)Yiftach ha'Gil'adi, a mighty warrior, was the son of a prostitute who bore him to his father Gil'ad. Gil'ad subsequently had children from his wife. When these children grew up, they banished Yiftach from the house and warned him that they would not let him inherit his father's property together with them, since he was from a different mother.

(b)Some time later, the nation of Amon waged war against Yisrael. The elders of Gil'ad approached Yiftach with a request that he lead the army of Yisrael into battle against Amon. Initially, Yiftach asked them why they now came to him in their time of need, considering that, in their hatred, they had driven him away. Eventually they persuaded him to accept the responsibility, but he agreed only on condition that they appoint him as their head (the Shofet) should he return victorious from the battlefront.

(c)Yiftach then "spoke with HaSh-m in Mitzpah," where he lived (Radak), although it is not clear what he said. According to the Metzudas Tziyon, he spoke to HaSh-m because many people had gathered there (presumably to form an army), and wherever the majority of the congregation gathers, the Shechinah is to be found there. The reason he chose Mitzpah as the place to mobilize the troops is because that was where Yehoshua had won a major victory when he defeated all of the kings with their armies who had gathered there to attack him. This was also the city where Yisrael subsequently gathered to fight Binyamin in the episode of "Pilegesh b'Giv'ah," and where Shmuel gathered the people when he crowned Shaul as king.

(d)Before Yiftach attacked, he sent messengers to the king of Amon asking him why he had attacked Yisrael. The king answered that he wanted to re-claim the land that Yisrael had taken from Amon after leaving Egypt, but should Yisrael return it peacefully, he would withdraw his troops.

(e)Yiftach sent back messengers with a detailed description of what exactly had transpired at that time (some 300 years earlier). He reminded the king that, in fact, it was Sichon, king of Cheshbon, who had captured the land from Amon, and that Moshe Rabeinu had subsequently captured it from Sichon at the end of Yisrael's journey in the desert. That being the case, Yisrael was perfectly justified in keeping the land, since land captured in war belongs legally to the captor. Yiftach then asked why Amon waited 300 years before staking their claim to the land.

(f)The king of Amon chose to ignore Yiftach's words and refused to withdraw his troops. After praying to HaSh-m for Divine assistance, Yiftach defeated Amon.

55)[line 43]ëì äîçåáø ìèäåø èäåøKOL HA'MECHUBAR L'TAMEI, TAMEI; KOL HA'MECHUBAR L'TAHOR, TAHOR- everything that is attached to (i.e. that affiliates itself with) that which is Tamei, is itself Tamei; all that is attached to (i.e. that affiliates itself with) that which is Tahor, is itself Tahor

56a)[line 44]ìà ìçðí äìê æøæéø àöì òåøáLO L'CHINAM HALACH ZARZIR ETZEL OREV ELA MIPNEI SHE'HU MINO- not for nothing did the Zarzir (see next entry) go to be with the raven - but only because he is of his own kind (i.e. Tamei)

b)[line 45]æøæéøZARZIR- (O.F. estornel) starling

57)[line 46]÷øéú çáøê åìà òðê øîé âåãà øáä ùãé áéäKARIS CHAVRACH V'LO ANACH, RAMI GUDA RABAH, SHADI BEI- if you call to your friend (to rebuke him for his wrongdoing) and he does not answer you (he ignores your rebuke), then you may push a large wall and throw it upon him (i.e. you may leave him to go in his evil ways and meet his ultimate downfall)

58)[line 47]"éòï èäøúéê åìà èäøú îèåîàú ìà úèäøé òåã òã äðéçé àú çîúé áê""YA'AN TIHARTICH V'LO TAHART, MI'TUM'ASECH LO SIT'HARI OD [AD HANICHI ES CHAMASI BACH]"- "... because I tried to purify you but you would not be purified, from your contamination you will not be purified again until I rest my wrath upon you" (Yechezkel 24:13).

59)[line 48]áéøà ãùúéú îéðéä ìà úùãé áéä ÷ìàBEIRA D'SHASIS MINEI, LO SISHDI BEI KALA- the [water] pit from which you drank, do not throw into it a clod of mud (O.F. mote)

60)[line 49]"ìà úúòá àãåîé ëé àçéê äåà; åìà úúòá îöøé ëé âø äééú áàøöå""LO SESA'EV ADOMI KI ACHICHA HU; LO SESA'EV MITZRI KI GER HAYISA V'ARTZO"- "You shall not reject an Edomite, for he is your brother; you shall not reject an Egyptian, because you were a stranger in his land" (Devarim 23:8).

61)[line 51]àé ãìéú ãåøà ãìéðà åàé ìà ìà ãìéðàIY DALIS DURA DALINA, V'IY LO, LO DALINA- if you lift up the burden, then I will [also help and] lift it up, and if you do not, then I will not lift it up (that is, a person does not want to involve himself in a burdensome activity unless others also involve themselves in it)

62)[line 53]ëã äåéðï æåèøé ìâáøé äùúà ã÷ùéùðà ìãøã÷éKAD HAVEINAN ZUTREI, L'GAVREI; HASHTA D'KASHISHNA, L'DARDEKEI- when we were young (small), we were considered as important as grown men; now that we are old, we are treated lowly like young children

63)[last line]"ìðçåúí äãøê...""... LANCHOSAM HA'DERECH..."- "HaSh-m went before them during the day in a column of cloud to escort them on the way..." (Shemos 13:21). The Gemara points out that, in their "youth," when they first left Egypt, the Jewish people were treated more respectfully by HaSh-m, Who protected them personally. Later, when they had "aged," He merely sent His angel to protect them.