[81a - 36 lines; 81b - 51 lines]

1)[line 1]ùéäå îøòéï áçåøùéïSHE'YEHU MAR'IN B'CHORASHIN- that people should be permitted to graze their animals in forests that belong to others. (This applies to small animals such as sheep and goats, in forests where most of the trees have thick branches (RAMBAM Hilchos Nizkei Mamon 5:3).)

2)[line 3]îúìúïTILTAN- (O.F. fenogre) fenugreek, an annual Asian and southern European plant of the pea family, having aromatic, mucilaginous (sticky, gummy, containing or secreting mucilage) seeds that are used in making curry, and for medicinal purposes

3)[line 3]å÷åèîéí ðèéòåúKOTMIM NETI'OS- we may snip off branches from someone else's tree in order to plant it

4)[line 4]îâøåôéåú ùì æéúMI'GROFIYOS SHEL ZAYIS- the shoots of an olive tree. The owner of the tree leaves two such shoots (the size of a fist) on his tree in order for them to sprout branches and grow new olives (Bava Basra 80a).

5)[line 5]îñúô÷éïMISTAPKIN- they may supply their needs [from it]

6)[line 5]åîçëéïMECHAKIN- they may place their fish-hooks

7)[line 5]áéîä ùì èáøéàYAMAH SHEL TEVERYA- the Kineret, Sea of Galilee

8)[line 6]ùìà éôøåñ ÷ìòSHE'LO YIFROS KELA (O.F. gorg)- (a) he may not spread out reeds in an area in the water in order to make a fence there with which to snare fish (since doing so disrupts the movement of other boats; RASHI. For a detailed description of this form of catching fish, see the GA'ON quoted by the Shitah Mekubetzes); (b) he may not spread out his sail there in order to keep the boat from moving so that he may fish for an extended period of time (RA'AVAD, cited by the RASHBA in Shitah Mekubetzes)

9)[line 7]åðôðéï ìàçåøé äâãøV'NIFNIN L'ACHOREI HA'GEDER- they may relieve themselves behind someone's fence (even though he will thereby take a rock from the fence to clean himself)

10)[line 8]ëøëåíKARKOM- saffron

11)[line 9]øáéòä ùðéäREVI'AH SHENIYAH- the second rains of the season

12)[line 10]éúéãåú äãøëéíYESEIDOS HA'DERACHIM- peg-like formations on the road that form during the summer as a result of the drying mud

13)[line 11]îôñéâ åòåìä îôñéâ åéåøãMAFSIG V'OLEH, MAFSIG V'YORED- [if a person becomes lost in a vineyard and cannot see the path due to the vines,] he may cut branches and go up, and cut branches and go down, [until he finds his way out]

14)[line 11]åîú îöåä ÷åðä î÷åîåU'MES MITZVAH KONEH MEKOMO

(a)When a dead Jew is found unattended and an attempt to determine who his relatives are brings about no response, the dead body is called a Mes Mitzvah. The person who found the body is obligated to bury it. (RAMBAM Hilchos Avel 3:8)

(b)The body must be buried where it is found; "Mes Mitzvah Koneh Mekomo" - it "acquires the place where it rests." Even if it is found in the middle of a field that belongs to someone else, it is buried there. (However, if the body is found within 2000 Amos of a Jewish community, it must be buried in the community cemetery (RAMBAM Hilchos Tum'as Mes 8:7).)

15)[line 13]ã÷ä áâñäDAKAH B'GASAH- small animals in a large forest

16)[line 16]áäéåîé åäéâéHIZMEI V'HIGEI- prickly shrubs or trees, and prickly bushes

17)[line 19]ùìà éùøùSHE'LO YESHARESH- [as long as] he does not uproot them (that is, he may cut them, but he may not pull them up from their roots)

18)[line 23]àéï îçééáéï àåúå ìò÷åøEIN MECHAIVIN OSO LA'AKOR - we do not obligate him to uproot it (KIL'AYIM / KIL'EI ZERA'IM)

(a)It is forbidden to plant different types of crops together (Kil'ei Zera'im) as it states in the Torah, "Sadecha Lo Sizra Kil'ayim" - "Do not plant different species (together) in your field" (Vayikra 19:19). The resulting produce is not Asur b'Hana'ah.

(b)With regard to sowing different types of crops in a vineyard, the verse states "Lo Sizra Karmecha Kil'ayim, Pen Tikdash ha'Melei'ah ha'Zera Asher Tizra u'Sevu'as ha'Karem" - "You shall not sow your vineyard with other species, lest the fruit of the seed which you have sown, and the fruit of the vineyard, be forfeited" (Devarim 22:9). If one sows Kil'ayim in a vineyard, the produce becomes prohibited ("Kidesh," from the word in the verse, "Tikdash").

(c)The Mishnayos in Maseches Kil'ayim specify the distance that one must leave between different crops.

19a)[line 24]ìæøòL'ZERA- to use its seeds (for replanting)

b)[line 24]ìæéøéïL'ZIRIN (O.F. tudels)- young tender shoots (stalks) of the Tiltan (see above, entry #2) that are edible

20)[line 25](îòìé) [îòìå] ìä(MA'ALEI) [MA'ALU] LAH- they are beneficial for it

21)[line 29]ùàøéä îùàøé ìàãíSHA'AREI MESHA'AREI L'ADAM- if they were planted in rows, then it shows that they were planted for human consumption

22)[line 32]áæéú ëáéöäB'ZAYIS K'VEITZAH- with regard to [the shoots that one may not cut off of someone else's] olive tree, [one must leave the shoots with a height of at least] like the size of an egg

23)[line 32]á÷ðéíKANIM- reeds (any type of tree that grows in the form of a cane or reed, such as sugar cane)

24)[line 32]åáâôðéíGEFANIM- grapevines

25)[line 33]îï äô÷÷ åìîòìäMIN HA'PEKAK UL'MA'ALAH- from the knot/joint (in the reed or vine)

26a)[line 34]àåáå ùì àéìïOVO SHEL ILAN- (a) the place of the tree where the fruit grows (which is soft and thin, and will grow back; first explanation of RASHI); (b) CHOVO SHEL ILAN - the "hidden" part of the tree, i.e. the place of the tree which has a lot of branches, at the midpoint of the tree's height (TESHUVOS HA'GE'ONIM)

b)[line 34]çåãå ùì àéìïCHUDO SHEL ILAN- (a) the thick branches of the tree (first explanation of RASHI); (b) the top of the tree, i.e. the middle branch, which is the main branch of the tree (TESHUVOS HA'GE'ONIM)

27)[last line]äçîäCHAMAH- the sun


28)[line 2]"åîîâã úáåàåú ùîù""UMI'MEGED TEVU'OS SHAMESH"- "And from the bounty of the crops of the sun." (Devarim 33:14)

29a)[line 7]áøùúåúRESHASOS- nets

b)[line 7]åáîëîøåúMICHMAROS- traps

30)[line 10]áçì÷å ùì ðôúìéCHELKO SHEL NAFTALI- the portion of land given to the tribe of Naftali

31)[line 11]ùðèì îìà çáì çøí áãøåîäSHE'NATAL MELO CHEVEL CHEREM BI'DEROMAH- he received an area on its (the sea's) south shore the full size of the rope of a net

32)[line 12]"éí åãøåí éøùä""YAM V'DAROM YERASHAH"- "The sea and the south shore he inherited." (Devarim 33:23)

33)[line 12]úìåùéï ùáäøéíTELUSHIN SHEBA'HARIM- the uprooted [trees and plants] in the mountains

34a)[line 14]áäøHAR- mountain, mountainous region

b)[line 14]åáùôìäSHEFELAH- plain, low-lying region

c)[line 14]åáðâáNEGEV- desert area

d)[line 14]åáòî÷EMEK- valley

35)[line 19]åàôéìå áùáúV'AFILU B'SHABBOS- and even on Shabbos. Although taking a rock to clean oneself might involve uprooting the grass that has grown upon the rock, it is nevertheless permissible, since one has no intention to uproot the grass (and it is not a "Pesik Reshei"; it is not definitely going to uproot grass) (SHITAH MEKUBETZES). In addition, even though a rock is Muktzah on Shabbos, it may be handled for the sake of cleaning oneself, as long as it has not been plastered into the fence in a permanent manner (ME'IRI).

36)[line 19]ù÷éì åîäãøSHAKIL U'MEHADER- he took it (the rock), and he replaced it

37)[line 20]ìùîòéäSHAM'EI- his servant, attendant

38)[line 20]æéì ùéø÷éäZIL SHIRKEI- go plaster [the rock] into the wall in a permanent manner

39)[line 22]äåå ù÷ìé åàæìé áàåøçàHAVU SHAKLEI V'AZLEI B'URCHA- they were going and walking on the road

40)[line 25]äåä ÷à îôñéò åàæéìHAVA KA MAFSI'A V'AZIL- he was taking large steps (to walk over the mud-pegs) and walking

41)[line 28]âæøúéðäå ìù÷ê áâéæøà ãôøæìàGEZARTINHU L'SHAKECH B'GIZRA D'FARZELA- I would have cut off your leg with an iron cutting instrument (i.e. I would have excommunicated you)

42)[line 34]ðäãøéä ðäãø áé îéöøéNEHADREI NIHADAR BEI MITZREI- he should go around to the edge of the field (in order to the find the road)

43)[line 35]"åäùáåúå""VA'HASHEVOSO" (HASHAVAS AVEIDAH/HASHAVAS GUFO)- "... and return it to him" (Devarim 22:2). The Gemara reads this phrase as, "and return him" [if he himself is lost]. The Torah (Devarim 22:1-3) commands that a person who finds a lost object must return it to the owner. Our Gemara teaches that, similarly, it is a Mitzvah d'Oraisa for a person who finds a lost person must to help that person find his way.

44)[line 37]îåèì áàéñøèéàMUTAL B'ISRATYA- lying in a wide street, or public area

45)[line 37]îôðäåMEFANEHU- he removes it

46a)[line 37]ùãä áåøSEDEH VUR- an uncultivated filed

b)[line 38]åùãä ðéøSEDEH NIR- a plowed field

c)[line 38]ùãä ðéøSEDEH ZERA- a planted field of vegetation

47)[line 40]áîåèì òì äîéöøB'MUTAL AL HA'MEITZAR- lying on the path that is between two fields

48)[line 41]àîøé òùøä? äðé çã ñøé äåééï?!AMREI ASARAH? HANEI CHAD SREI HAVYAN?!- you said that there were ten [enactments of Yehoshua]? They [that you listed] are eleven!

49)[line 44]îäéåú èåá àì ú÷øé øòMIHEYOS TOV AL TIKRI RA- when you can be good, do not be called bad

50)[line 45]"àì úîðò èåá îáòìéå áäéåú ìàì éãê ìòùåú""AL TIMNA TOV MI'BE'A'LAV, BI'HEYOS L'EL YADCHA LA'ASOS"- "Do not withhold good from those who are entitled to it, when it is in the power of your hand to do." (Mishlei 3:27)

51)[line 46]áùòú äåöàú æáìéíBI'SHE'AS HOTZA'AS ZEVALIM- at the time of year when people take out fertilizer

52)[line 47]åöåáøåV'TZOVRO- piles it up

53)[line 47]ðéùåóNISHOF- flattened, pressed

54)[line 49]å÷åöõ ùåëåV'KOTZETZ SOCHO- he may cut the branch [of his neighbor's tree]

55)[line 50]ðçéìNECHIL- a swarm of bees

56)[line 51]îôø÷ àú òöéåMEFAREK ES ETZAV- he should take apart his bundle of wood (and remove it from his donkey)

57)[line 51]åèåòï ôùúðå ùì çáéøåV'TO'EN PISHTANO SHEL CHAVEIRO- carry the flax of his friend

58)[last line]áéçéãàéYECHIDA'EI- opinions or statements of individual Tana'aim (as opposed to anonymously expressed statements)