[56a - 32 lines; 56b - 47 lines]

1)[line 11]ìòåìú øàééäL'OLAS RE'IYAH

See Background to Bechoros 51:3.

2)[line 21]ø' éåçðï çæàé áçéìîà îéìúà îòìéà àîéðàREBBI YOCHANAN CHAZA'I B'CHELMA, MILSA MA'ALYESA AMINA- I saw Rebbi Yochanan in my dream last night which is an omen that today I will say something with good reasoning

3)[line 30]àúðïESNAN

An Esnan is an item given to a harlot for her wage, which may not be brought as a Korban, as stated in Devarim 23:19. For example, if a person gives a sheep to a harlot as her wage, she, or anyone else, may not designate that sheep as a Korban.


4)[line 5]"ìà éçìì æøòå áòîéå""V'LO YECHALEL ZAR'O B'AMAV..."- "He shall not invalidate his seed among his people..." (Vayikra 21:15) - When a Kohen marries a Jewish woman who is forbidden to the Kohanim (e.g. a divorcee), the child born to them is profaned from the Kehunah and has the same status as a Yisrael (see Background to Bechoros 47:4).

5)[line 8]ãìà úôñé áäå ÷ãåùéD'LO TAFSEI BEHU KIDUSHIN - Kidushin does not take effect for them

If a man attempts to be Mekadesh (betroth) a Nochri woman or a woman who is prohibited to him by a transgression punishable by Kares, the Kidushin does not take effect.


(a)In the time of the Beis ha'Mikdash, everyone was obligated to give a half-Shekel to the Beis ha'Mikdash for the purchase of the public sacrifices (see Background to Menachos 46:28). Usually, each person would have to give an additional small amount called a Kalbon (which was the equivalent of 1/24 of a half-Shekel).

(b)The Tiferes Yisrael explains why the Kalbon was added. At times the Gaba'im of Hekdesh would need to exchange the half-Shekels into whole Shekels or vice-versa. The Kalbon was added in order that Hekdesh should not suffer a loss due to the exchange rate. This explanation is based on the words of Rashi (Beitzah 39b DH keshe'Chayavin). Rashi adds that two brothers who are partners must give two Kalbonos.

(c)The Rambam explains the necessity of adding a Kalbon somewhat differently. Since everyone was obligated to bring a half-Shekel, the Rambam tells us, half-Shekels were in great demand. Therefore, a Shekel was worth less than two half-Shekels. If two people would give one whole Shekel, they would have to add a Kalbon to make up for that loss. Accordingly, if two brothers would bring one whole Shekel together, they would give only one Kalbon. If they would each bring a half-Shekel, they would not add anything.

7)[line 15]÷ðå áúôéñú äáéúKANU MI'TEFISAS HA'BAYIS- if they acquired animals by inheriting their father's estate (and have not yet divided it). "Tefisas ha'Bayis" (or "Tefusas ha'Bayis") refers to the heirs' collective ownership of the estate of the deceased.

8)[line 35]ùçì÷å âãééí ëðâã úééùéíSHE'CHALKU GEDAYIM KENEGED TEYASHIM- when they divided it, one brother received kid-goats and the other brother received their value in mature goats