1. The Gemara derives from various verses that it is bad for a person to separate himself from Torah study. 2. Rebbi Yehudah discusses a water reservoir that was consecrated to Hekdesh before it rained. 3. Rebbi Yosi discusses a field that was consecrated to Hekdesh and then bore fruit. 4. There is a dispute about whether a person can give to someone an item that has not yet become extant. 5. Rebbi Meir says that a person can give to someone an item that has not yet become extant if that item is clearly expected to come into existence.
1. The Gemara says that if a person separates himself from Torah study fire will consume him and he will fall into Gehinom. 2. Rebbi Yehudah says that the rain water that falls into the reservoir after it was made Hekdesh is not considered Hekdesh. 3. He says that the fruit that comes out of a Hekdesh tree or field is also Hekdesh. 4. Rabanan: One cannot give someone a "Davar she'Lo Ba la'Olam." Rebbi Meir: One can do so. 5. For example, Rebbi Meir maintains that one can sell the fruit of his field for the coming year, as his field is expected to bear fruit.