D.A.F. Homepage D.A.F.LOGO  Shiurim from the Dafyomi Advancement Forum
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NumDescending Subject Daf Rabbi Title Sources Video Audio Length Date
Shabbos  133  Maier Caplan  Anatomical Details of the Laws of Circumcision  html    mp3  36  2005-09-11 
Shabbos  138  Mordecai Kornfeld  Adding to a Temporary Tent on Shabbos  html    mp3  1:05  2005-09-18 
Shabbos  146  Maier Caplan  Production and Destruction of Vessels  html  video  mp3  44  2005-10-02 
Eruvin  Tzvi Teichman  Introduction to Maseches Eruvin  html    mp3  39  2005-10-09 
Eruvin  22  Maier Caplan  A Thoroughfare Annuls Mechitzos  html  video  mp3  44  2005-10-30 
Eruvin  30  Maier Caplan  Feeding a "Katan" non-Kosher Food  html  video  mp3  44  2005-11-06 
Eruvin  41  Tzvi Teichman  Techum Shabbos for the Jetsetter  html  video  mp3  54  2005-11-13 
Eruvin  44  Mordecai Kornfeld  Using People as a Mechitzah  html  video  mp3  54  2005-11-20 
Eruvin  51  Maier Caplan  "Techum Shabbos" - is it Mid'Oraisa?  html  video  mp3  54  2005-11-27 
Eruvin  59  Meir Treibetz  The Rambam's Approach to Techumim (and more)  html  video  mp3  32  2005-12-05 
Eruvin  61  Dovid Koenig  Eruv Chatzeiros in Modern Cities  html  video  mp3  52  2005-12-11 
Eruvin  75  Tzvi Teichman  An Eruv in a Gentile City  html  video  mp3  56  2005-12-25 
Eruvin  78  Maier Caplan  What Makes Dirt Part of the Floor?  html  video  mp3  44  2005-12-18 
Eruvin  95  Maier Caplan  Bal Tosif and Wearing Tefilin on Shabbos  html  video  mp3  43  2006-01-08 
Eruvin  104  Daniel Caplan  Removing a Sheretz from the Mikdash on Shabbos  html  video  mp3  53  2006-01-15 
Pesachim  Maier Caplan  The Obligation to search for Chametz  html  video  mp3  49  2006-01-22 
Pesachim  Yoseph Elefant  Lost Chametz on Erev Pesach  html  video  mp3  36  2006-10-29 
Pesachim  14  Yehudah Landy  Taharah in the Times of the Mikdash  html  video  mp3  55  2006-02-05 
Pesachim  29  Maier Caplan  Leaving Chametz to Destroy it Later  html  video  mp3  51  2006-02-12 
Pesachim  30  Yoseph Elefant  Selling or Being Makdish Property with a Lien  html  video  mp3  35  2006-02-19 
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