More Discussions for this daf
1. Why does Bitul not apply to Techeles? 2. Minimum length of Tzitzis 3. Mohel and a Jew in a faraway place
4. תפילין יש להם בדיקה ואין ניקחין אלא מן המומחה

Freda asked:

What is the minimum length of tzitzit? Is it measured from the top of the knot or the bottom?

Thank you SO much.

Freda, Philadelphia, PA USA

The Kollel replies:

Our colleagues at Machon Daniel have published a summary of the laws of making Tzitzis. They write:

The threads of the tzitzis should measure (after all the knots and wrappings have been made) at least 12 thumbs (24 cm. according to the Grach, 30 centimenters according to the Chazon Ish) from the edge of the garment. The long string used to wind around the other threads should also measure 12 thumbs. This measure is Rabbinical, but some hold that the minimum length required, the length required to tie a bow, is from the Torah.

See more at

(Their source for the above Halachah is Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 11:4.)

Yisrael S.