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1. Rosh Hashanah foods 2. The Philistine present to Israel 3. Horayos 012b: Manah Yafah Rishon
4. Relying on signs 5. Maneh Yafeh

Tina Wasserman asked:

What is the significance of the number (7) of fruits and vegetables that the Sephardim eat traditionally for Rosh hashansh.

Tina Wasserman, Dallas, Texas

The Kollel replies:

I am not aware of any significance, nor was I aware that there are seven foods.

The Gemara in Horayos lists 5 (Rubya, Karti, Silka, Tamrei, Kara), the Rema (OC 582) adds that some eat apple in honey, and pomegranates, and that it is customary to eat fat meat and sweets. The Mechaber of the Shulchan Aruch adds (ibid) that we eat the head of a sheep.

M. Kornfeld