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1. What are they being Mevatel 2. Becoming friendly with a gentile 3. Moreh Halachah in front of one's Rebbi
4. Siman 5. B'nei Nevi'im 6. Only A Problem of Using a Tree?
7. Contradiction in Rebbi Eliezer 8. המורה הלכה בפני רבו

Aharon Braha asked:

What is the meaning of the Gemara's Siman on this Daf?

Haqatan Aharon Braha HY"V, Milan, Italy

The Kollel replies:

Here is what we wrote in our Background to the Daf, in explanation of the Siman:

SIMAN ZILA (LEHANYA) [MEHANYA] MACHLIF IKA V'YAKOV - a mnemonic device to remember the names of the Amora'im that follow: Rebbi Elazar me'Hagro*nya*; Rav (Aba) [Acha] bar Tachlifa; Rav Acha brei d'Rav Ika; Rav Acha bar Yakov.

Best wishes,

Kollel Iyun Hadaf