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1. The Mishnah with spilling water 2. Yehoshua 3. שעל מנת כן הנחיל יהושע את הארץ
4. הערה

Binyomin Einstein asked:

Why in the mishna does it first say one case, and then it says the Din, and then it says three more cases and then the Din,why doesnt it just say all three cases together and then the din which is the same by all four cases-Chayiv?

Binyomin Einstein Age 12, Los Angeles California

The Kollel replies:

Although they are both Chayav, the Dinim are not the same. First of all, Rav says in the Gemara that in the Reisha one is only Chayav for Nizkei Kelim whereas in the Seifa he is Chayav even for Nizkei Gufo. In addition, the Gemara says that the case of spilling water teaches an additional Chidush; even though he is allowed to spill the water still he is Chayav.

Keep up the good work!

Rabbi D. Zupnik