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Mark Staum asked:

On the topic of Mitzvot Aseih Shehazman Grama:

I understand the logic of the Avudram that because the women is mishubad to her husband, she is exempt from all time bound Mitzvot.

Even if we assume that the exemption from those mitzvot today are based on the same logic, why would a women not able to perform these mitzvot as a "Sheeinah Mitzuveh Vioseh"? Based on the logic of the Avudram, there would seem to be no apparent problem for a women to take upon herself the daily obligation to done tzizit and tefillin. Since that oviously is not the appropriate course of action that Orthodox women hold by today, what would be the problem with an Orthodox women or for that matter any other women from any other denomanation from wearing tefillin or tzizit?

The Kollel replies:

The operative question here is not whether they may , but rather why it is that they wish to do Mitzvos from which the Torah exempts them. Historically, there were individual women who wore Tzitzis and Tefilin (Tzitzis where there is no problem of Lo Yilbash). However, one must realize that if the Torah did not require women to perform these Mitzvos it is because the Creator created women so as not to require these Mitzvos in order to achieve perfection. Women are not being "left out" by being exempted from these Mitzvos any more than someone who did not sin is being left out of the Mitzvah of Korban Chatas. If it is the love of Mitzvos which is driving the woman to want to put on Tefilin, there are many Mitzvos which were prescribed for the woman's needs through which she can express her genuine love for Mitzvos. If the woman looks to these Mitzvos as a sign of superiority, viewing them as "men's" Mitzvos, therein lies the reason for her not performing them.

As for the "other" denominations, if their desire is to follow the word of G-d, then it is recommended that they start observing the Mitzvos that G-d wants and commands them to observe before they start observing Mitzvos from which they are completely exempt.

D. Zupnik