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1. Bishul b'Shogeg on Shabbos 2. Kukiani 3. איכא דאמרי רב שימי בר אשי בלע חיויא

Mordecai Shain asked:


on daf 109a r. zeira's wife made for chiya bar ashi food on shabbos but he did not eat it.

why not? the most it could be is a shogaig (unintentional act to break the law of shabbos).

is there a proof from here that if someone does borrer or bishul on shobbos b'shogig that one cannot eat it, not like those shitos that the mishneh b'rura brings down at the beginning of 318?


The Kollel replies:

Ze'iri's wife did not do any Melachah. In fact, she did nothing wrong according to the Gemara. According to Rashi, the only possible problem was that her act resembled an act of Tikun Ochlin. According to Tosfos, her act might have involved doing something for Refu'ah. Whatever the case, according to the ruling of the Gemara, those problems were not reasons enough to forbid the act that she did.

The reason why Chiya bar Ashi did not partake of the food was because he was of the opinion that the preparation of that type of food indeed resembled Tikun so that it was prohibited by the Rabanan, or that it resembled an act of Refu'ah so that it was prohibited by the Rabanan.

Therefore, this Gemara does not support the opinions cited by the Mishnah Berurah at the beginning of OC 318.