More Discussions for this daf
1. Forgetting Rosh Chodesh 2. Arguing or Agreeing? 3. Lashon Yachid or Lashon Rabim
4. When may one recite Musaf 5. Expressing Simchah 6. Minyan - assembly of the town
7. Early shema and shmone esrei 8. Stam Mishnah Rule 9. Pidyon ha'Ben
10. Possible Contradiction in Rashi 11. Praying Before Zman Keri'as Shema? 12. אמר אליהו המלך בקונך

Pamela Tamarkin Reis asks:

Usually halacha treats certain areas as dinei mamonos - financial law, and other areas as issur v'heter - ritual law, and the rules for the two areas are often very different. Pidyon haben is a gray area - do we treat this like terumos and ma'asros, where there is an obligation to separate and distribute a % of one's crop to a kohein as a ritual obligation to make the food edible, or is it purely a financial obligation?

One possible difference is raised by the Minchas Chinuch - one can forgive a financial obligation and remove a debt (mechila), but one cannot remove a ritual obligation by forgiving payment. A kohein has no power to forgive the payment without accepting anything, which would seem to indicate that this is a ritual obligation.

The Tzemach Tzedek discusses a case of a woman who gives birth and does not know whether her father was a kohein or levi (which would remove the obligation of pidyon haben). The halacha is "ain holchin b'mamon achar harov" - we do not follow majority in laws of mamonos. Even though if we follow the majority of people we would assume the father is a yisrael and hence there is a pidyon obligation, the tzemach tzedek rules that we treat this as a financial matter and no obligation exists. The Kuntres haSefeikos (6:5) argues. There is much more to discuss on this issue!

I copied this above from the internet. Where can I find further discussion of this issue in English?

Pamela Tamarkin Reis, Branford, CT

The Kollel replies:

We have a lecture on the subject which is available at

Best wishes,

Kollel Iyun Hadaf