More Discussions for this daf
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4. When may one recite Musaf 5. Expressing Simchah 6. Minyan - assembly of the town
7. Early shema and shmone esrei 8. Stam Mishnah Rule 9. Pidyon ha'Ben
10. Possible Contradiction in Rashi 11. Praying Before Zman Keri'as Shema? 12. אמר אליהו המלך בקונך

feivel hofmann asked:


In the Mishna on 30a, it says (Artscroll Translation)

The Mussaf Prayer is (recited) only with an assembly of the town, (ie. with a congregration of ten men ...)

My question is about the language (bchever ir) seems to suggest more than 10 men - if the meaning was just 10 men why did it not just say 10 men or a minyan - What is behind this term "assembly of the town" does it suggest that ten visitors to the town do not constitute a valid minyan ?

feivel hofmann, Melbourne, Australia

The Kollel replies:

The Rambam writes in his Perush to the Mishna that the word Chever is used to allude to the fact that the people of the town should congregate with the Chacham of the town and not elsewhere.

Dov Zupnik