More Discussions for this daf
1. Learning two Halachos from one Pasuk 2. Aseres Ha'Dibros 3. Pesukei d'Zimra
4. Praying in The Second Beis Ha'Mikdash 5. Tirda and Mitzvos 6. A chason being patur from Shema...
7. Teaching the correct lesson 8. Berachos Me'akvos Zu Es Zu 9. Rabbi Tarfon
10. Krias Shema Positions 11. Berachos on Keri'as ha'Torah

Harold Loiterman asks:

Is anything known of the prayer service conducted in the 2nd Bais HaM'kdosh. Construction of our Shmonah Esrei was prepared more or less before its construction, and some prayers were ment for substitution of Avodah. What is known of the construction of the prayer services inside the Temple?

Thank yo for your consideration

Harold Loiterman

Harold Loiterman, Norfolk

The Kollel replies:

Shalom Harold,

Wonderful to hear from you!

The main place where I see Chazal addressing your excellent question is the fifth Perek of Maseches Tamid, which begins on Daf 32b. Another important and relevant Gemara is Berachos 11b. Moreover, the Rambam gives in ruling on this matter in Hilchos Temidin u'Musafim 6:4.

If I were to outline the main parts of the service described in those sources, there are several portions of the Siddur that the Kohanim would recite, as follows:

1. One of the Berachos that comes before Krias Shema (some maintain that this was Yotzer Ohr, while others argue and maintain that this was Ahavah Rabbah/Ahavas Olam)

2. Recital of the Aseres ha'Dibros

3. Three Parashiyos of Krias Shema

4. Emes v'Yatziv

5. Berachah of Avodah, i.e. Retzei

6. Birkas Kohanim

What I personally found striking is that this prayer service would take place inside the Lishkas ha'Gazis, i.e. the office of the Sanhedrin. The reason being because

There were additional details to the daily service as well. For example, the Leviim would recite the Shir each day over the Korbanos Tzibur (if it were an Olah or the Kivsei Atzeres). For details, see the last Mishnah in Tamid, found on Daf 32b; also Rambam ad Loc. 6:8-9.

Yasher Koach for raising this fascinating issue!

Warmest regards,

Yishai Rasowsky

M Schwimmer adds:

There is an additional explicit passage (tractate Sukkah 53a) relating that the Tefilos were recited during the Second Beis Hamikdosh.

Rebbi Yehoshua describes the busy schedule during the Simchas Beis Hashoevah, enumerating the Tefilos. (Conforming to his opinion (Berachos 27b) he does not include Ma'ariv among them.)

Rebbi Yehoshua lived close to the Churban of the second Temple as it ensues from tractate Gittin 56a (he helped carry Rabon Yochanan ben Zakai out of Yerushalaim).

Mordechai Schwimmer