
Why did Moshe omit here what he said in Ki Sissa ' "asher Nishba'ata lahem Bach Arbeh es Zar'achem"?


Oznayim la'Torah: Because in Ki Sissa, he evoked the oath - which concerned Yisrael's eternal existence - whilst the threat of annihilation was hanging over their heads - to prevent Hashem from carrying out the threat; whereas here, when Hashem had already rescinded the initial decree, and had agreed to tke the children into Cana'an, it was no longer necessary to mention it.


What is the significance of the three expressions "K'shi ha'Am ha'Zeh


Kol Eliyahu: He asked that the Avos atone for them. The first letters of their names is 'Alef' 'Yud' 'Yud', which is equivalent to the first letters of the three names of Hashem in the Pasuk "Sh'ma Yisrael." The second letters are 'Beis' 'Tzadi' 'Ayin', corresponding to Tefilah


Based on his name from birth (Avram), just like we use Ya'akov, and not Yisrael (PF)

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