
What are the implications of "Shuvu lachem le'Ohaleichem"?


Rashi (in Shabbos, 89b): 'Return to your wives, whom I forbade to you when I said (in Sh'mos 10:15) "Al Tigshu el Ishah". 1


Rashi: And the wife of each one subsequently became pregnant with a boy when they fulfilled this Mitzvah .


Why did Moshe specifically order the people to separate from their wives ("Al Tigshu el Ishah"), but only hint at the Heter to go back to them?


Oznayim la'Torah: Because whereas a hint will suffice for a Heter, when it comes to an Isur, anything other than specific instructions will be misconstrued. 1


See Oznayim la'Torah.


Having specifically stated in Yisro Sh'mos, 19:15 "Heyu Nechonim li'Sheloshes Yamim, Al Tigshu el Ishah", why did Moshe need to tell them "Shuvu lachem le'Ohaleichem" to permit them to return to their wives? Why were they not automatically permitted?


Beitzah 5a: Because something that is forbidden through a Minyan (group of Chachamim), requires another Minyan to permit it 1 - It does not become permitted automaically. 2


Hadar Zekenim (Sh'mos 19:15): This is even if the Isur was made for a limited time, like the current case. Moshav Zekenim (Sh'mos 19:15) - this is not correct! One might have thought that they must separate as long as the holy Torah persists! The Rosh says that 'three days' was not a time for the Isur. Rather, they were to separate, for the Torah will be given in three days.


See Oznayim la'Torah.

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