
Who were the men who came before Moshe and Aharon? Why were they Tamei?


Targum Yonasan and Moshav Zekenim (according to R. Yitzchak in Sukah, 25b): They were men who had buried a Meis Mitzvah 1 - who had died suddenly and there was nobody available to bury him. 2


Moshav Zekenim #1 (according to R. Yossi ha'Gelili in Sukah, 25a): They were the men who carried Yosef's coffin. 3


Moshav Zekenim #2 (according to R. Akiva in Sukah, 25b): They were Misha'el and Elitzafan, who were Tamei due to taking Nadav and Avihu out of the Mishkan.


See Ba'al ha'Turim and Torah Temimah, note 4, who elaborates.


Targum Yonasan: And they approached Moshe and Aharon on Erev Pesach, on their seventh day of Tum'ah.


See Ba'al ha'Turim.


What are the implications of "Lifnei Moshe ve'Lifnei Aharon"?


Rashi (citing Aba Chanan in the name of R'lazar in the Sifri): They approached them both 1 as they were sitting in the Beis-ha'Midrash, and not one after the other. 2


R. Yashiyah in the Sifri: Inverting the order, they came first before Aharon, and, when he was unable to answer them, they came before Moshe. 3


Refer to 27:2:1:1 & 27:2:151:1 regarding a similar incident concerning the B'nos Tz'lofchad.


Rashi: Because if Moshe could not answer their question, from where would Aharon know the answer?


See Oznayim la'Torah DH Vayikr'vu Lifnei Moshe'.


What are the implications of the (otherwise superfluous) words "ba'Yom ha'Hu"?


Targum Yonasan and Sukah 25b: It implies that they were unable to bring the Korban Pesach on that day, but that they could have brought it on the following day. In other words, this episode occurred on the seventh day of their Taharah from Tum'as Meis 1


Refer to 9:6:0.1:3.


The Gemara in Sukah, 25b explains that this occurred on Erev Pesach. However, the Gemara in Gitin, 60a states that eight Parshiyos were said on Rosh Chodesh Nisan, including Parshas Temei'im which Rashi interprets as that of - Pesach Sheini?


Refer to 5:2:152:1.


The Gemara in Sukah, 25b states that they could not offer the Korban Pesach on that day, but they could on the next day (if they would receive the second Haza'ah of Mei Chatas on that day). But Seider Olam says that Erev Pesach fell on Shabbos that year and One may not sprinkle on Shabbos?


Moshav Zekenim: The Isur to sprinkle on Shabbos is only a Sh'vus (mi'de'Rabanan) Also 1 , they had not yet decreed.


This implies that the first answer - that we would override Sh'vus for the sake of Pesach stands by itself. However, this was rejected in Pesachim 6b? (PF)


The Gemara in Sukah, 25b states that they were Tamei Meis on their seventh day. In that case, seeing as others are permitted to bring the Korban on their behalf - since their Taharah comes automatically - why did they not Tovel immediately, in which case they would have been Tahor to eat the Pesach at night!


Moshav Zekenim #1: Perhaps there was an Oneis, and they would not be able to immerse before night.


Moshav Zekenim #2: It is a Gezeiras ha'Kasuv that we do not offer for them, even though the Taharah comes automatically (Pesachim 94a).


Moshav Zekenim (on Pasuk 8): It is because they were not eligible to be counted on the Korban at the time of Shechitah, since they were not able to eat at the time.


How can R. Akiva (in Sukah 25b) say that they were Tamei due to the burial of Nadav and Avihu - in view of the Sifra and Sanhedrin 54a, that say that their bodies were burned?


Refer to Vayikra 10:5:151:1 & 2.


According to the opinions that they were Tamei due to the contact with Nadav and Avihu's corpses, or because they carried Yosef's coffin, why did they not become Tahor earlier?


Moshav Zekenim: Because they thought that they would not offer the Korban Pesach until entering Eretz Yisrael. And when Moshe issued the command to bring it,they did not have enough time to become Tahor. 1


Why didn't Hashem present the Parshah of Pesach earlier, so they would have time? Perhaps He wanted the Din of Pesach Sheini to be introduced through them. Refer to 9:7:3:1.

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