
On what condition is the Tamei Nazir permitted to bring his Korbanos on the eighth day?


Nazir, 44b: On condition that he Toveled on the seventh day before nightfall - so that he has Ha'arev Shemesh. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 78.


Seeing as 'Miy'ut Rabim Shenayim' (every unspecified plural is two), why does the Torah need to insert the words "Sh'tei Torim O Sh'nei B'nei Yonah"?


Sifri: To teach us that the Nazir is obligated to bring either two pigeons or two doves, but not one of each.


Why is the Torah lenient with the Tamei Nazir, allowing him to bring two birds in place of two animals - a male and a female lamb?


Oznayim la'Torah: Because as it is, as the period of Nezirus draws on, many Nezirim have qualms about having taken on the Nezirus; therefore if a Nazir would be obligated to bring six animals 1 in the space of one month, 2 he would be bound to regret having done so - with the result that he would be bringing Chulin to the Azarah. 3


Three for his Tum'ah (including the Asham) and three when his Nezirus expires.


A difficult thing to do even for the wealthiest person, let alone for the majority of middle-class Balabatim - Oznayim la'Torah.


See Nedarim, 9b.


What is ??va?Yom ha?Shemini? coming to preclude?


Rashi: It precludes the seventh day - but not the ninth. 1


Rashi: Like the Din of animal Korbanos, which can be brought from the eighth day and onwards, but not before. The Sifri actually learns it via a Gezeirah Shavah "u'va'Yom ha'Shemini" "ba'Yom ha'Shemini" - in Mishpatim Sh'mos, 22:29.


If the Nazir brings his Korban on the ninth day why does he not transgress Bal Te'acher?


Yerushalmi Rosh Hashanah, 1:1: Because whatever comes to be Matir - in this case 'Mechusar Z'man' - is not subject to Bal Te'acher. 1


See Torah Temmimah, note 79.


What are the implications of "ba'Yom ha'Shevi'i Yegalchenu (in Pasuk 9) ? u'va'Yom ha'Shemini Yavi ... "?


Sifri: It implies that if the Tamei Nazir brings his Korban before he has shaven He is not Yotzei. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 80.


Why does the Torah add the (otherwise superluous) words "el Pesach Ohel Mo'ed"?


Sifri: To teach us that, should anything happen to the birds before the Nazir reaches the Azarah, the onus lies on him to replace them.

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