
What was Elazar charged with doing in connection with the items listed in the Pasuk?


Rashi and Ramban #1 (citing the Yerushalmi, Shabbos, 10:3): Elazar was charged with carrying all four items 1 mentioned in the Pasuk 2 (and to see to it that they were offered up when they encamped - Rashi).


Ramban #2 and Seforno: He was in charge of organising who would carry the oil for the Menorah, the Ketores, the anointing oil, and the Minchas ha'Tamid (and the other components of the Mishkan - Seforno).


Ramban: Something that was humanly impossible, bearing in mind that the Ketores alone ? which Moshe manufactured for an entire year ? comprised three hundred and sixty-five Manah (36,500 Shekalim) and the oil for the Menorah, one hundred and eighty-three Lugin (1098 egg-volumes. This is the amount for each of the seven Neiros (Menachos 9:3) PF. Elazar was superhumanly strong, like Ya'akov Avinu and Moshe and Aharon, as the Navi writes in Yeshayah, 40:30 "Those who hope for Hashem, will be granted renewed strength".


The Yerushalmi learns from here that one is Chayav for carrying on Shabbos, even if one carries with one's left hand, in one's bosom or on one's shoulders - even though it may not be the way that one normally carries - Torah Temimah - since Elazar carried the oil for the Menorah in his riht hand, the Ketores ha'Samim in his left hand, the Minchas ha'Tamid for one day hanging over his arm and the anointing oil in a small jar in his money-belt.


What does "Pekudas Kol ha'Mishkan ? " incorporate?


Rashi, Ramban and Seforno: Elazar was also in charge of designating each member of the B'nei K'has 1 to his role in the Avodah and what he should carry when they traveled. 2 (Regarding the latter, they would receive it from him when they set out and return it to him when they encamped 3 Ramban). 4


Rashi: Whereas Isamar was in charge of Gershon and Merari.


Rashi: In connection with all that is mentioned above.


Ramban: Moreover, Elazar was overall in charge of the Levi'im, above the three respective Nesi'im of Gershon, K'has and Merari, wherea Isamar was only the Gizbar (the treasurer) of Gershon and Merari. Refer to 3:32:1:1*.


However, this explanation appears to contradict what the Ramban himself writes in Naso - Refer to 4:32:3:1*, 4:49:1:2*.



Rashi writes initially that Elazar carried these items lised in the Pasuk, and casually concludes that he instructed others to offer it when they encamped!


Gur Aryeh: According to Rashi, he personally carried the oil for the Menorah, the Ketores, and the anointing oil, but not the Minchas Tamid. 1


Gur Aryeh: Which he cannot have carried, since it was only called by that name after it was sanctified in a Kli Shareis, and it would have become Pasul through be'Yotzei after leaving its Mechitzah. Moreover, there was no reason to prepare it in advance. He must herefore have insructed others to prepare the Minchas Tamid and to bring it on the Mizbe'ach after they encamped.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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