
Where is Chamas?


Rashi (in Yechezkel, 47:20): It is on the north-western border next to Hor ha'Har.


Targum Yonasan: Chamas is synoymous with Teverya. 1


See Na'ar Yonasan. It is not clear however, what Teverya, (which is in the east - bordering Yam Kineret in Pasuk 11), is doing on the northern border - when the Torah only begins discussing the eastern border in Pasuk 10.


Seeing as the easternmost point of the northern border was Chatzar Einan (as the following Pasuk states), why does the Torah use the term "Totz'os" in connection with Tzedadah?


Rashi: Because the initial line of the border ended there, and became wider between Tzedadah and Chatzar Einan.

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