
Why does the Torah write "Veheiveisah es ha'Minchah ... " and not Veheiveisah osah"?


Menachos, 9b: To include the Minchas ha'Omer and the Minchas Sotah 1 in the Din of Hagashah.


Menachos, (Ibid.): In connection with both of which the Torah uses a Lashon of Hava'ah (and which are both Minchos Chovah ? even though the current Pasuk is discussing a Minchas Nedavah).


What is "me'Eileh" coming to preclude?


Menachos, 9b: It precludes a Minchos Nedavah from being brought from barley. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 44.


What are the connotations of "ve'Higishah el ha'Mizbe'ach"?


Rashi: It is the obligation of the Kohen to take the Minchah from the owner and bring it to the south-western corner of the Mizbe'ach prior to the Kemitzah.


Zevachim, 119b: It implies that the Mitzvah of Hagashah does not apply on a Bamah Ketanah. 1


See Torah Teimah, note 46.


Why does the Torah mention Hagashah here, but not regarding the Minchas Soles?


Rosh and Hadar Zekenim: Regarding Menachos that are baked, the Kohanim performs Hagashah to show that the preparation (baking) was le'Shem Shamayim. It should not look as if he prepared them for himself, and sends the leftovers to Hashem. It does not say "Veheveisah ? la'Hashem" by the Minchas Soles, since it is not prepared at all for people to eat, and not by the Minchas Kohen, which is given totally to Hashem. 1


The Chachamim however, learnt that Hagashah applies to all Menachos (Hadar Zekenim).

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