
What are the connotations of the words "Nega ha'Nesek"?


Sifra: It is comparing a Nesek to a Nega, inasmuch as the minimum Shi'ur Nesek, like that of a Nega, is a ki'Geris. and a Nega to a Nesek, in that, just like a Nesek, if a Nega spreads inwards, it is not considered a Pisyon. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 137.


Seeing as "Se'or" incorporates green and red hairs (See ha'Torah ve'ha'Mitzvah), why does the Torah add the word "Shachor"?


Sifra: To teach us that only black hairs 1 save from Metzora Muchlat, but not yellow ones. 2


Green and red hairs however, have the same Din as black ones. See Torah Temimah, citing the Sifra and note 138.


See Torah Temimnah, note 139 and ha'Torah ve'ha'Mitzvah.


What are the implications of "ve'Se'or Shachor Ein bo"?


Sifra; It implies that if it contained two black hairs it would be Tahor - as opposed ro "ve'Se'or Lavan Ein bo" - in Pasuk 21, which implies that if the Nega contained two white hairs, it would be Tamei. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 132.

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